Uhh.... What???

Did anyone else realise that the plot section for this page is completely illegible?

Anyway, my real query is simple. What was the point behind this movie? 'cause in the way it was presented, I really don't get it.
Actually, I'm not entirely sure the director understood it either.


Watch the subtitled version, the dubbed version has a plot that does NOT make sense at all...
They completely changed the plot and re-edited the movie for the dubbed version...
Not to mention they cut 20 MINUTES out of the dubbed version...


The plot in the subbed version also made pretty much no sense. It was ridiculous.


I have to agree with you. This movie is incoherent and these people who claim to understand it are complete liars. I don't think anybody really understands this film not even Tsui Hark himself! What a mess.

"El pollo loco to you too."


to completely understand it you must see ZU: Warrioirs of the magic mountain first. this movie is somewhate of a sequel. and u haveto watch the uncut version with subtitles more than once


No. Not true. I've seen them both and they are nothing alike. LOZ is not a sequel but rather a remake. I call it a retread. I've watched both these movies and concluded that the 1983 version is still superior. Why? LOZ is simply too nausiating and incoherent like the poster above stated. Believe me, the original was just as crazy and the FX were much lamer than now, but atleast it has a story and a basic plot to follow. It was also much more fun. Ultimately, LOZ gets 2 thumbs down! If you're gonna watch the original, just watch the original. You won't be missing much.

"Because anything else would be uncivilized."
-Hulk Hogan, Old Spice commercial


I think both movies in general are just not that great



just watched it... a shame for the hong-kong industry. in my opinion.


I watched LOZ twice and i understood it abit more the second time around...however alot more could have been done with the story ...the general plot is good, but it was poorly executed...it had some good special effects, except for what they used to represent insomnia that was crappy....the weapons i think were bad ass....however more could have been done to have the fighters add more martial arts flare to the fights...

"OK...so whats the speed of dark ?"


"OK...so whats the speed of dark ?"

Being opposite the speed of light, it is -- obviously -- the speed of sleep.


... the basic premise is a good vs. evil story. There is a bunch of other stuff going on including reincarnation, dualities of the spirit and body, along with the bond between the sword and warrior, so it was somewhat hard to follow. I was able to get the basic understanding of the story though.


The point?


This vine is for hitting ghosts.
