MovieChat Forums > Shu shan zheng zhuan (2001) Discussion > Miramax claims that they do not own it

Miramax claims that they do not own it

Called up Miramax today (10/31/05)and they said they do not own it even though according to IMDB they have own distribution rights for US. Why would they just sit on it like that? Are there any plans to release it. I mean if you visit the Zu Warrior Quicktime Trailer site it will say that it is carried by Miramax? It looks super cool. Of course I could get it on DVD but I want to see it on the BIG screen!!!


I swear they're lying pieces of shjt. For years (yes, years!), off and on, you'd see 'Zu Warriors' listed on their official website. In fact, it's there now:

There was a press release earlier this year by Miramax that Zu Warriors would be released in North America on August 19th (ref: That date came and went without it's release.

Keep in mind, though, that there's been a recent shake up by Disney at Miramax. The Weinsteins have moved on and formed a new company. It's likely Disney's decided not to release the film during this time. I don't blame them. Miramax's edit of the original film had a poor test screening years ago, which explains the shelving. Their edit of the film should not be released imo.


According to IGN the "Zu Warrirors" will be released direcly to DVD in North America on March the 7th. So you will not have to wait to long. Although I have ni idea when it will arrive in Europe, or even IF it will come here. Guess I will have to import the HK version.


If you want to get this film and see it, I suggest you do not wait for the hacked up Miramax version which will have over 20 some odd minutes removed. They should label the hideous versions as Alan Smithee films.

Anywho, I found the original version on dvd which is region free, see the link below. I have used this place many times to get asian films before they ever get to the US or to get the original full length version. They have many films from the asian markets. Hope this will help people who are looking for the full version. Enjoy.


Actually the Region 1 DVD released next week has both cuts of the film. That should make folks happy.


Yeah to the above poster. It's mentioned in a NY york times article of new dvd being released.


Miramax no longer owns this movie. It was relinquished to the Weinsteins when they left Miramax. Apparently Miramax doesn't feel Asian films are going to be a part of their future. So expect LEGEND OF ZU as well as other titles (Iron Monkey) to be released yet again this time not by Miramax but the Weinstein Co. courtesy of their new Asian themed DVD collection "Dragon Dynasty".

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