MovieChat Forums > Owning Mahowny (2003) Discussion > Minnie Driver can't drive

Minnie Driver can't drive

In a scene near the end of the film, Belinda is driving Mahowny in a car. Despite the fact that the road is not completely smooth or straight, her hand remains exactly at 12-o'clock on the wheel with not even the slightest adjustment for the entire time she's talking to him. I hope this isn't representative of her actual driving ability. It wouldn't have been so annoying, except that her hand is right there in your face the whole time.


That's what happens when your picture car is chained to a flatbed truck following a camera truck. I'm just taking a guess because I don't recall the scene exactly. It's a little bit like actors concentrating so hard on the scene that they 'forget' their accent or the fact that they're supposedly driving a car.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


This would be yet another example of the skill of the director, wouldn't it?


Actually I really noticed the lack of her not steering in the end scene.

It drew my attention and then I concentrated on the background a little too much and it then became obvious that the car was elevated and probably on the back of a truck.

I'd agree, fault of the director. Still, the films quality outshines this small error.


nice title


Don't talk about Minnie that way. She is way too fine for such a pithy little argument. YOU SON OF A BI... just don't.
