
Why did the son kill himself? He should have killed his dad for berating him.


Killing his father wouldn't have ended his pain. He felt he could make no connection with anyone in the town whom his family would accept. Neither the bar maid nor even the prostitute were interested in knowing him as a person. He tried to befriend the black boys in the neighborhood and was berated for it. He felt alone and hopeless.


He should have shot him in the kneecap


Yeah, that was pretty overly dramatic. There's people you can talk to about that kind of stuff before you shoot yourself.


People kill themselves for petty things all the time.. We're looking at with a rational mind which he obviously didn't have.


Long before the fall out with his dad you could see he was in a dark place, obviously dealing with depression of some sort. Can't have been easy growing up with a difficult dad and grandfather who rarely showed their love and were often harsh with him, working as an officer on death, not having a girlfriend and not having your mother anymore - who may or may not have killed herself too.

He was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off



Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Maybe he really did love his father.

I thought if you kill yourself in front of someone you hate might as well kill them FIRST then kill yourself its called MURDER SUICIDE, its common enough that there is a term for it.

Maybe his revenge was making his father live with the guilt.

I wonder what would have happened if he had NOT killed himself. Would his father really have disowned him?
