Cruel , Cruel World

"Cruel, Cruel World" was added to the picture in 2003 during a major re-edit by Ross and Florina Massbaum, who sell pictures to studios by re-editing and getting the pictures right. Composer Mark Fontana was hired by the Massbaums - and paid - to add music to their re-edited picture version. Producer Jeff Kirshbaum (who initially gave us the picture to see what we could do with it) and Director Allan Mindel saw our version, went to Mark Fontana to use the song without the Massbaums permission. They were unable to sell their picture for a year and a half until they added "Cruel Cruel World" to their films trailer. A major canadian company had agreed to buy the Massbaums version of the picture for distribution. Sadly, the Massbaums have never been remunerated for their work and thousands of dollars in expenditures. Mindel may have also used the Massbaums re-edited version (to be determined).


