
Any word on this movie's release date/location? Heard Sept. 15 in Nashville. Vaguely heard cable TV. Any firm information out there?


Yes it screened in Nashville. The Premiere screening in L.A. is Oct. 29 at the Harmony Gold Theatre.


It might be screened at the Georgetown Indy Film Festival in Washington DC. Saw it listed on the site as a submission! I am keeping an eye on it I'd like to see it (Irish and all..;)



I saw the opening of "Irish Eyes" in Syracuse, NY... It is a near epic tale of two brothers, with a poetic irony of an ending! It shows that Daniel is as good an actor, if not better, than his three brothers... It is a must see and should rate as a classic film...


It sucked.


Yeah, guys, don't get your hopes up, I saw this at the Stony Brook Film Festival and it was EASILY the worst movie there. By a long shot. It's probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life. The plot was ridiculous and far-fetched, the acting was god-awful, and by the end of the movie you're just hoping that every character gets shot. I guess the fact that Booger from Revenge of the Nerds has a cameo as an insane Irish terrorist speaks volumes about the quality of the movie.


I agree. It was one if not the worst movie I have ever seen. I sometimes tink they make these crap movies as part of a money laundering scam.


I, too, saw this film released at the Landmark Theater in Syracuse, NY a few years back. I lucked out and got to go with a friend and his family.


On second thought, maybe lucky isn't the right concept...

The Syracuse premier was meant to support Breast Cancer Awareness, with ticket proceeds going towards an organization that the Baldwin family is associated with. (I think the mom had breast cancer, and was supporting others. Tough lady.)

The movie wasn't very good at all; I hope and trust that there are more lucrative organizations in the world funding breast cancer research, 'cause this thing isn't going to bring in a whole lot of dough. It was, however, quite enjoyable to see a film premier in a venue like the Landmark. Lots of Colonial India stylings everywhere. Pretty!

Not so pretty was the film itself. My friend and I soon noted the one thing we could follow through the convoluted hell of a plot... the regular appearance of the boom mike at the top of multiple shots throughout the film. After a careful perusal of the credits (and, a few months ago, double-checking on IMDB), we determined that Fabien Melanson ( was the one to thank for saving our sanity and providing my friend and I with an ever-amusing private joke.

Wherever you are, Mr. Melanson, thank you so much.

I actually went up to and met Mr. Daniel Baldwin that evening. He agreed with me that he was deeply involved with the crew of the film during production. The groundwork laid, I then asked how he felt about the impact of Fabien Melanson's work during the film.

That moment, and using straws from the refreshments table to shoot matches and toothpicks at stuff in my friend's driveway, were the best parts of that evening. In retrospect, I should have also told him how much I loved "The Hunt For Red October"... but I don't think my friend's parents would have liked driving me to the hospital after I had been bitch-slapped.
