Corpse Bride...

Tim Burton tendrá idea de la existencia de Hasta los huesos?

Hay bastantes referencias de este cortometraje en su película Corpse Bride...


I don't speak Spanish, but I understand what you're saying. I believe he directly got the idea from Corpse Bride from this short. I believe he helped compile the shorts for Exposure, which is where I first saw this short. There are many similarities.

"Haha... Optimus Prime."


Yo creo que sí, vamos a decir, "se inspiró" para realizar las escenas del inframundo en Corpse Bride. hasta el personaje del gusano incluyó.
Me gusta mucho Corpse Bride pero me gustaría que le dieran más crédito a este excelente trabajo de artistas mexicanos.
I think he, let's put it this way, "made an homage" to this short film in the underworld scenes in Corpse bride. Even down to the worm character.
I love Corpse Bride, I only wish more credit was due to these amazing mexican artists and their labour.
