not bad at all

This may very well have been Stephen King's "grossest" novel of them all. The very concept of these sh*t weasels is disgusting. Before watching this, I wondered how the film makers would handle the degree of grotesque detail in the story while still remaining true to the novel. I must say it was done well, and produced an entertaining film with enough of the S.K. brand of dark humor to have fans of his stories shaking our heads.


I liked the movie a lot, it's so underrated! It's not bad at all!
I watch the movie first, and I read the book in late.
Like an old S. K. fan, I can tell that, this is one of the best movie adaptations ever! Closer to the book, except the ending who was changed, but I think that it fits to the movie in the right place. On the other hand, nice visual style, performances are not so good, but acceptable,...all in all, a pretty good S.K. movie! Wondering why the hell majority of movie geeks don't accpet it!

Mr. M
