Donnie Walhberg

So, I did not recognized Donnie Wahlberg in this film until I recently watched it again and saw his name during the opening credits. Realized he was Duddits.
Can someone tell me what his deal is? I remember The Sixth Sense, shockingly thin and unrecognizable. That was back in 1999. Then this film, again thin and unrecognizable. Seems like a pattern of his choice of roles (granted only two)....physically altered and just plain weird. Kudos for his choices thou, going outside the box and picking extremely odd roles. But just strange to be going way left field.


If I remember correctly(it was a long time since I saw it) he was slow, got bullied like crazy, and I think at the end of the movie he had some telepathic powers something along that line. I may be way off w/what kind of power he had, but he was slow and bullied for sure.



^^ Agreed completely, this movie wasn't as bad as people say it was. Freeman, Sizemore, Jane & Wahlberg were excellent. It had some silly scenes but the majority was good.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


I enjoyed it too. People in general seem to have the habit of saying "It's a bad movie," instead of "I didn't like it." They don't really dislike it because it's bad; it's bad to them, because they dislike it.

Works of art aren't good or bad intrinsically. They speak to someone or they don't. By those for whom they work, they're considered good; and by those for whom they don't work, they're considered bad. When they work for a lot of people, they get the reputation of a great work of art. There are almost no films or paintings or symphonies that nobody at all likes. Some people might even enjoy an artwork because of its flaws or differences or quirks. It's all a matter of subjective opinion, not of objective fact.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde
