Feel ashamed

First of I think the movie wasn't any good at all.

But what made me feel angry or atleast humiliated was the image of how the Hollywood or how the director think of Sweden as a country. I don't know if there was a irony of it all or a big lack of research.

I live in Sweden myself and mix Sweden with some German langugue and citynames is pretty weird.

And of course they end the movie with some image of how we, the sweds live in a top of a mountain full of snow. I dont know really how to describe my feelings. I really should't care but I cant help to cut it looose.

This is an image from the middle of the summer in Sweden:

I know that some of you may think that Im freaking out, but I what I hate most is this types of pictures US has towords our country. Maybe it was just irony, who knows?


I totally agree.

I'm from Sweden too and these "sweden jokes" are just too much.
I usually don't mind but this movie went over the line.

In Sweden we've learnt english from the fourth grade and up since 1949 and about 80% of our entertainment comes fom USA.
And still in movies we can't say much more than "you like??", "Jaaaaa!" and "Nej".

It's not a good movie. It's a really horrible movie if you're from sweden.


Guys, you have every right to be pissed. I'm from Canada, and how do you think they portray Canada in American movies. We're 'eskimos' who's every other word is 'eh', and have remarkably odd accents, when really, our accents are no more different than our neighbors to the north. I've only seen one movie that I can think of that accurately portrays Canada, and that is 'The Score'. Hell, a lot of their movies is filmed here, and most of the time it's a beautiful sunny, summer day. They need some serious research.


Ok once I saw some of these damn posts I HAD to make an account and set a few people straight ESPECIALLY stevebuscemi. First off I thought the movie was funny as hell, as a matter of fact right after the movie I was checking tourism brochures for Sweden. I also know a few people from Sweden and they told me it's beautiful over there, espeically the women =). I'm really not sure what could've offended some people (how Sweden was portrayed?) but I'm not so sure the majority of the people really took it seriously, it was a comedy after all.

Ok and finally stevebuscemi I'm from Atlanta and lived there practically all my life and the whole sterotype of canadians living in igloos and what not, well I've heard it before as a joke maybe once or twice out of the 16 years I've lived there. I'm living in Canada now and just so you dont think I'm full of sh*t I'm in Ontario. I heard so much sh*t towards Americans for only the 3 and a half short years I was here that it was unbelievable. Canadians are portrayed as a friendly people but damnit once you bring up the subject of Americans the bashing begins it's as if its a sport over here. Canada seems to be more worried on what the US is doing than what their own damn country is doing. I've also been in Quebec and dont like it there either, cuz of the stuck up French ignoring you in certain occasions if you dont speak french to them! And 90% of the Canadians do say "eh" after every other or so damn sentence and you cant deny that otherwise you're just lying. The accent thing is BS I met only 2 or 3 or so canadians that have it so that's one thing I agree with you on ( But they do say some words differently ; ) ). My point is who the hell are you to even talk when Canada equally portrays the Americans as idiots, gun crazed hill billys among other things. When we're all not like that especially when our population is 280 million and yours a mere 31 million, not to mention we attract more immigrants so we're bound to have more idiots. Just saying dont make your country sound like a damn victim cuz you're equally guilty.

P.S The US is to the SOUTH of Canada eh


"My point is who the hell are you to even talk when Canada equally portrays the Americans as idiots, gun crazed hill billys among other things. When we're all not like that especially when our population is 280 million and yours a mere 31 million, not to mention we attract more immigrants so we're bound to have more idiots"

Mate, as an Australian I'm impartial here and I dont care how Hollywood portrays any culture/country because it is just that, Hollywood.

But you dead set have to be one of the stupidest people I know. You have a crack at Canadians for grossly generalizing the Americans as gun toting hill billys and then you end your tirade by totally contradicting yourself in saying that American is bound to have more idiots because it has more immigrants!

The more things change... the more the stay the same

P.S Canada is ABOVE The US eh?


you know watching the movies, i used to love Americans, thinking they are Great and defending them to everyone, and a lot of people disagreed, yet i recklessly defended them and called the others stupid!!, that is until i got to know the American people..

based from what i have seen so far, the "usual" Americans are Greedy, Selfish, Coldhearted, Ignorant, and Most of All Arrogant Idiots, who think they are above everyone else - well you can shuv ur diks up your butts - because there are people out there, from smaller countries who are a Billion times Smarter than any of you!! - take Einstein as an example since our people are Close Relatives.

oh and those who call themselves Americans are Idiots, because you're all Originally from different countries including the countries u make fun of!! - it is Genes that matter after all and you have the Genes of the Same people you call Idiots, so what does that make you?

the only ones worthy of calling themselves Americans are the Natives, and instead they are called Indians by many, how stupid is that.

Social Selfishness, Infinite Porn and Adultery, Racism, Arrogance, Hate, Greed, and Wars!!...

Im Dissappointed in you America....


Immigrants to America are smarter than 90% of the people who were born and raised here.


Oh really? Do you have any sources on that or are you just an immigrant yourself?

The point is; wherever you're from, whatever you are, you ALWAYS think people like you are the greatest.


Yeah! Respcet! South Park is the only movie who has portrayed Canada correctly so far.


Hollywood doesn't even portray Americans accurately. When was the last time you saw a Southerner in a movie who didn't have a cornpone accent so thick you could cut it with a knife? Why on earth would you expect Hollywood to show more respect to people outside the US than they show to their fellow Americans?


My Dad and his family are Canadian. Most of them say "eh" all the time (though no Eskimos, just a lot of sleds and parkas. Also, the accent isn't remarkably odd, but in some areas it sounds very much like the "Minisota" accent you hear in movies.


And i'm from England, and we get portrayed as moustache-tweaking, umbrella-twirling, bowler hat-lifting, suit-wearing deliciously evil whiter-than-white men, with a London high society accent.


Actually, thats pretty cool.


Not anymore. It is more like the cockney talking and Jane Austen flicks updated or otherwise.


What about us Aussies? Americans don't even get our accent right, even though there are hundreds of Australian actors they could use for the parts rather than some American with the dodgiest Aussie accent ever (or in the Simpsons, make us sound like the English and we NEVER say 'Govnah'[Governor] or 'Blimey' unless we were born in the 1800's. They make us all look like we run around in flip flops, beer in one hand and a stupid cork hat saying 'Crikey!' and 'Gday Mate'. Admittedly there are a lot of people like that, but it's the sterotype.. you might find those out in the country, but not in the cities. So I don't think any country gets away with a 'good stereotype' of themselves. We are all shown to be en exaggeration of what our countries have been known for.


Hollywood does stereotype any culture. They almost never use to do in-depth portraits.

I'm from Spain, and you have to watch for instance some of the "Mission: Impossible" movies and do a little research to realize how idiots seem Americans when trying to portray other cultures like for example that false and odd mixture of different Spanish cultures in two movies of this saga (Sanfermines in Andalucía, Fallas in Seville... what???!!). Yes we do have different cultures in Spain.

As for this movie, looks like a tribute to tacky stereotypes: all gays are queens who only think on sex and partying, all Swedish girls are silly blondes... Hey! What happened to good American comedies?


Its pronounced "Yaaaaah". You should know that if you learned english well ;O)


I totally agree.

I'm from Sweden too and these "sweden jokes" are just too much.
I usually don't mind but this movie went over the line.

In Sweden we've learnt english from the fourth grade and up since 1949 and about 80% of our entertainment comes fom USA.
And still in movies we can't say much more than "you like??", "Jaaaaa!" and "Nej".

It's not a good movie. It's a really horrible movie if you're from sweden.
It's not you. It is a reflection on Americans. I would guess that a very high percentage of Americans cannot speak even ONE Swedish word. So they dumb it down for us.

- C'mon back to my room and I'll give you a Rusty Venture.


I'm an American and you just have to accept Hollywood for who it is. The public likes stereotypes and so they will continue selling them. I have through sweden on a sailboat and women are more attractive than in the US, although they are not so stupid and I didn't see any of those kind of mountains that were in the film.

This movie wasn't that bad, people judge comedies very strangely. They are not meant to be dramatic, they are meant for people to be stupid and just laugh. I would give it a 6 or 7 b/c it is a fine movie, it doesn't deserve a 4.


"although they are not so stupid"
"So stupid"
What?? they are not stupid at all. Americans by all mean are one stupid country with stupid people.
researchs has proven it many times.
Yeah, I'm american hater and one more reason to hate the "proud country".
I'm not from sweden, but this time im on there side!
The movie was horrible and thank god i didnt pay single cent to watch this crap!


America makes up approximately 5% of the worlds population. Ironically, this "stupid country" is responsible for producing the majority of the worlds technology. I guess that's just dumb luck.


"researchs has proven it many times."
You are dumber than a box of rocks.


You shouldn't feel ashame, no matter where you hail from. This movie not trying to be a sophisticated comedy so their jokes and references had to appeal to the lowest common demoninator, which most audiences who are looking for a mindless comedy like this are.

About the movie itself, I think it was ok. Rosario Sanchez :yum: is very beautiful, however, she is a new actor and this movie would have benefited much more in a more 'capable' actor. I think one of the problem was her grasp of the language, which is very good for someone who's probably only been learning it for the last few years. IMDB says she came to NYC at 21 and she's about 32 now.

Anyhow, it was a good movie - worth a rental.


I don't think you should be ashamed, so much as irritated. I'm not only sick of the way they treat Canadians and Swedes. I'm sick of how they show gays. We're not all like that. Sweden is a beautiful country, as is most of Canada. I live in California, and I envy your weather. All this sun really isn't good for the complexion.


bad for your complexion?
envy the weather?

Gee......I guess they had the whole "gay" stereotype thing all wrong!


Maybe you did.


Aiming for lowest common demoninator, as you're certainly right in claiming that the makers of this movie did, still doesn't excuse mistaking Swedish for German/Austrian...That is an insult of a mistake, made all the more embarassing by the fact that nobody seems to have noticed (Since mixing nationalities would only work as a joke if the average american knew an recognized the difference, my guess is that that option is ruled out). As I take it to be the result of ignorance on behalf of the filmmakers, I think they're only to blame for not bothering to do even the slightest bit of research beforehand...which is, after all, the hallmark of Hollywood :-)

The comment about Sanches' grasp of the language, however, doesn't make much sense: Why would you assume that she needed to speak flawless american to play her role?

As a comedy, this movie compares to a hand job: It never felt like the real thing to begin with, and it was over way too fast :-)


Guys. You are overreacting.

Hollywood stereotypes everything.

Even in our own country. In America, stereotypes pass for entertainment.

Is it right? Not really, but we really don't care.

Are you threating me Master Jedi?


It can't be irony - they're American.


Good move. A cheap insult should help ease the pain.


Kind of late to be responding to all of this, but I had to put in my two cents. Of COURSE we have negative stereotypes in cinema. Look at the movie Shallow Hal- it portrays all fat women as sweet, semi-naive compulsive eaters! Myself, as an overweight girl, saw the humor in it and laughed with it. If you're so uptight that you can't laugh at an ignorant stereotype of yourself, then it's not everyone ELSE with the problem.. It's you.


Exactly what I thought about Boat Trip! And I live in Sweden!

I thought it was really funny how they portrayed Swedes in the movie. Because Victoria Silvstedt (along with some other Swedes) was in this movie, and she acted out the lines just as they were supposed to!

One funny thing was when the team Inga was in had a confrontation with the Miss Hawaiian Tropic team.

The subtitles said:
"Where'd you get those big phony knockers, IKEA?"
"You've licked more Swedish meatballs than a ten kronor hooker."

But what they really said was:
"Du, lilla gumman, jag tar dig så enkelt."
"Haha! Du har en solbränna som en pepparkaka!"
"Öh, lilla gumman, vad håller du på med?"
"Men sluta!"
"Vad gör du?"
"Vad håller du på med?"

For those of you who can't read Swedish, I'll translate it for you.
"Hey, little girl. I'll beat you SO easy!"
"Haha! You've got a sun tan that looks like a gingerbread biscuit/cookie!"
"Err... little girl, what are you doing?"
"Hey, cut it out!"
"What are you doing?!"
"What are you doing?!" (they both say the same thing, but in different ways)

I wonder why they didn't say the actual lines. You know about IKEA. And did Victoria Silvstedt and the other girl come up with those lines by themselves?
Kind of funny, that they ask each other what they are doing, in the heat of battle when they're facing each other! :P

And about the stereotypes... I think they portrayed gay people worse than they portrayed Swedes. I mean... Ice-sculptures that look like d*cks? Hmm... And WHY did all the gay men on the GAY SINGLES CRUISE hold each other, kissing and cuddling, from the beginning of the cruise?! Kind of weird, huh? :D


Tack for the translation. It is as hilarous as the subtitles.


You shouldn't take this movies so seriously. This kind movies don't try to portray world in realistic way and nobody should expect them to do so. It wasn't a document, you know.

As a (Finnish) gay man I found this movie entertaining and maybe even hilarious. Of course it had lot's of silly stereotypes and I guess that it (and some of the bad and unrealistic acting) was the reason why the movie was funny. And besides, I think non of the stereotypes were malicious and all the characters were likeable.

Personally I think that the movie might have been slightly better if it wouldn't have tried so hard not to upset anybody.


Sterotyping is a vital part of cinema comedy. The filmmakers are no doubr intelligent enough to know that not all Swedish people live in Mountain cabins, but the iconography is neccessary for audiences to know what they are seeing, how else would they automatically know/assume that whatshisname (nick?) has travelled to Sweden in search of Inga(?? I've forgotten the names already!)

I'm British, and I know that not all British people what around with snooty accents, have butlers and spend their time drinking tea, eating crumpets and riding on big red buses...but I accept that those stereotypical elements are essential in portraying British culture.


Don't put too much into it. Many americans are stupid. I'm from Denmark and many americans think Denmark is a city in Sweden


Quote: "Don't put too much into it. Many americans are stupid. I'm from Denmark and many americans think Denmark is a city in Sweden."

Just to let you know, you have just created a stereotype. Stereotypes are started when a person does not know enough information to properly portray a group of persons. Maybe the general American populous does not know much about Denmark, but you have just proven you don't know much about America.
