
okay, so this movie is so good! wow! but are there any other good aboriginal movies like this, soley done by aboriginals? not a politcally changed movie, just a movie about life, like this? I am asking this because i want to show a good movie for my multicultural club. I could show some hollywood movie like," thunderheat" but no. I want soemthing that is true to aboriginal culture? so do any of you have any ideas, of other awesome films? thanks a bunch!



I'm not quite sure what you're asking for by 'true to Aboriginal culture' but there are very very few movies produced by isolated native American peoples.
I'm guessing that you're looking for movies that are made from the perspectives of these people, outside the Hollywoodized (yes it's a made up word) stuff that is ultimately made by studio execs.
Anyway, I'd recommend 'Smoke Signals'.
As to movies from other continents, off the top of my head I suggest 'The Gods Must be Crazy', and maybe ''Walkabout, though both of these deal with aboriginal peoples encountering outside cultures.
I'd also suggest 'Gabbeh'. Not that it's exactly what you're asking for, but you might find it interesting if you liked 'Ataranjuat'.


Hi, just saw this movie again after a while and wanted to find out more about it and I came across your post. These movies do not fall under "soley done by aboriginals" but do fall under movies about other cultures and I recommend them. The first one is "White Dawn" about a group of Arctic explorers who become stranded in a remote village inhabited by natives. It's very good and I think you should check it out if you haven't seen it already, it's out on DVD and VHS. The second is "Rabbit Proof Fence". A true story about three young girls who escape a foster care facility in Australia in which they were put there because they were "of mixed race". It's also out on DVD and VHS and though it does contain politics, it's one of the best movies I've seen about natives. The last one, sadly, is not out on DVD or VHS (at least in America). It's called "Spirit of the Wind" (aka "Attla") about George Attla who was the first winner of the North American Sled Dog Race. It was released in 1979 and I remember watching it in 81 or 82 when I was in high school. It's a wonderful movie, funny, touching and honest. I looked it up in IMDB and a poster on the message boards stated that a DVD copy from France is available, forgot the web address but you can read more about it if you do a search on "Spirit of the Wind". It was rereleased in Anchorage, AK during the 2003 Alaska Federation of Natives convention and I was lucky enough to have been there to see it again. It played to a packed theater every time it was shown. I hope this helps, let me know what you think of the first two if you watch them.

I couldn't help overhearing. I had my ear to the door.
-Matt Beemish
