WB Sucks

This was the funniest show I ever saw and I want more. Maybe if we all E-mail WB they might bring it back, and maybe even put it at an earlier time when more people watch TV.


i wish they'd bring it back... that milf guy's hot... oh and yeah the show WAS pretty funny. i can't believe they stopped airing this and yet "reba" is still airing. how stupid!


Yeah i agree with you
canceling Off Centre must have been the worst idea ever!
I love this show.
Cant belive they let all this other piece of crap shows run but they cancel great shows like this!

WB should ashamed off them selves!!


Reba...does anyone watches show?

I didn't like American Pie so much, but hell, was Off-Centre great!


it's great. got all the episodes. wish there was more. still think they can continue the show minus jason george and sean maguire. the show was all about chau aka john cho. least john has a movie coming out and he'll be given a starring role. you know!!!


Makes me think of that epizode when Chau gets depressed because of the cancelling of "the Education of Brickford" and they say "They cancel all the good shows and leave the ones that nobody watches on air" followed by a long cilence.. =)

Chau rocks!


i remember that episode. chau then found another show to fill in the void of the show he missed. unfortunatly that show got the axe as well causing his little puking...okay may be not so little.
was funny to see how extreme euan would go with that one girl just so he can continue having sex with her.


I agree, the WB sucks! Off Center was really funny and even though it comes on really late in England I still watch it.

But I doubt The WB will bring it back if you email them. When the cancelled Angel (damn you Levin) us fans sent emails, signed petitions, hired big billboards and placed them outside their offices, we had rallies, had a food-drive, had a bloodbank and even had a an ad taken out in Variety magazine, which had the same message as the billboards "We'll follow Angel to hell, or another network." After all this the WB STILL didn't re-new Angel...

SO all I gotta say is...DEATH TO THE FROG ;)
