Actually pretty funny

They aired the episodes of Off Centre in Holland, and i must confess that i thought it was pretty funny. I had read many awfull reviews and comments on the show, but i still gave it a shot.

The only problem with the show is that it had no long term goals, plotlines and the room for chemistry between characters or relationships was very little. In Friends, Sex and the City, the audience had something to watch for every episode. That is what is missing here.

Other than that, I love the few episodes of off-centre made. Hell, I'd buy it on DVD!


Took me a few episodes before i started getting into it, some of the stuff is a bit corny and you can see it a mile away especially skits with Sean Maguire but John Cho is hilarious in it, he's the best. I'd buy a dvd of it too.


Chau makes the series worth a look. I admit that Off Centre is far from original, but it has some funny things. In Holland they showed all episodes several times, and they still do re-runs, so the show must have some fans. Still waiting for the DVD...

It's time to get things started


I loved this show . . . but WB got a lot of complaints about the show's appropriateness and it was yanked off the air.

But I simply loved this show.


I have to agree with you all and say the show is awesome. Wish there was a dvd release. Still stuck with my tapes of the episodes. Need to upgrade.
