Nick's House

Has anyone else noticed how Nick's house changes from series to series?

In Season 1, we get to see his home in the episode where the junkie 'ho' (Shannon's mother) dies in the 'accident' that gets him arrested. The house is a detached house, you can see a big staircase as soon as he walks in, and reception rooms to either sides of this. There's a bathroom upstairs and presumably the bedrooms.

Then suddenly in Season 2 we see Nick living in a townhouse, I think it might be the episode where he rescues that dog (the one belonging to a judge)?

In Season 3 there are various episodes where we see his house and again it's a townhouse, looks quite pokey and people seem to always go in via a door near the kitchen.

Also in Season 3, when Burton has his heart attack, we see Nick and Lulu talking to Shannon in what *SHOULD BE* Nick's house: Lulu tells Shannon where everything is ('there's shampoo in the bathroom etc'); however, the room they're in (the kitchen) looks pretty much identical to Burton's!

Do we assume therefore that Nick moved out of his first house because of the bad memories associated with it (the woman's death); and did the production run out of money towards the end and had to recycle Burton's house and pretend it was Nick's?

I clearly have too much time in my hands at the moment LOL...


I'm watching Series 2 right now, and I think the townhouse you refer to belongs to the girl he's dating.

reply're thinking of the blonde cop, right? But later the house is really different. Keep watching and report back please :D


PS - now I'm going to HAVE TO watch Season 2 again. Damn you Ben ;-)


I think the house is the same. At the beginning of season 2 Nick's lawyer states he owns the house.
Believe me if you buy a house, with everything that implies-papers and money- you don't want to sell and start again from square one.
It's just that later on we see other areas of the building. But in 'the dark' the living room is the same of when Mandy dies.


Do you reckon there's a back door then? Because in ALL the episodes of Season 3 when you see people coming in and out, they come in through the kitchen.

For example, do you remember the episode when Nick takes the legal drug and hallucinates? (I think it's called Blue Mystic). Jake is sent to Nick's house to check on him and he looks through the window by that door. That entrance appears regularly through that series.

Whereas the episodes when Mandy dies shows a really big front door leading into a big reception room.

My reasoning for him moving out would be that the house has bad memories because of the woman's death btw.


I don't know about England, but here in Italy and inAmerica there's always a back door which is usally the kitchen door. When I was small I lived in a huge house, which was a kind of commune, with a front door and a kitchen door, which was the one we used on a regular basis. THe big green door was dreaded by all of us kids, because it only opened for one visitor, the doctor doing house calls!
By the way, Blue Mystic is everything but legal. It's synthetic like LSD, though far less dangerous, unless you knock against furniture while you are hallucinating. he trip is something great, they say. It usually does not end nasty like in Nick's case. It's usually a happy trip. Mind you, I've never tried anything except for joints, but I've got friends who are real experts in the field of drugs.I'm kind of curious but I'm far too self-conscious to want and risk loosing control of what I say and do in front of somebody else. Other than that, I believe you have the right of doing whatever you like with your body, provided, of course you do not harm others.


Hi Ben

Yes most houses in the U.K. have a back door - can't say the same about Italy though, my parents' house doesn't, also a lot of people live in flats. But for example my back door is only accessible from the backyard which adjoins other houses' backyard, so there's no way a casual visitor would be able to get in that way. Although I'm sure a burglar could. Crossing fingers now (e faccio gli you understand Italian ;-) )

Didn't even know Blue Mystic existed before watching The Guardian. I am so relieved to read your reasons for not taking drugs, because they are exactly the same as mine, i.e. not really having moral issues against drugs etc, it's just being self-conscious and worrying about looking like a fool or doing something dangerous etc. When I was younger I was pretty much surrounded by people who took all sorts of stuff (although, to my knowledge, not smack or crack) and of course I was offered it too, but I always turned it down for those reasons. People assumed that I was Miss Goody Two Shoes but actually it was a case of not wanting to look like an idiot. Oh, and the fact that a lot of drugs have to be smoked, and I really hated the idea of smoking (I've never even ever tried a joint) because my parents smoke a lot, so anything that had to be smoked was not an option.

The drugs storyline in TG is a bit ridiculous, they make out that Nick was a total cokehead as if he ate children for breakfast, they could have explored it better if the drugs were really such a big part of who he was. But no, they decided to focus on the wretched Shannon story line instead :-/


I might add that in neighborhoods with houses like that, the parking may be in the back and so they would enter through the back door or kitchen. My house is like that. While guests can park on the street and come up the front, I enter through the back because I park there. If that's where the spaces are, his family and close friends may use the extra parking spot if there is one and then enter though the back.
