
This was the most racist show on TV. An entirely black cast but no white people. If it was the other way around, every black in the country would have boycotted it. I'm glad it's off the air.


It would only be racist of they were bashing White people or any other race, which they didn't. And there are plenty of tv shows that show an all white cast. Next time you want to make a point, make sure it's a valid one...

something random...


please shut the hell up,and never procreate


There were plenty of white people on the show.


By your logic we shouldn't have Seinfeld. The only black person was the lawyer and he was barely shown.

I want Sean Whalen! I want him bad!



I don't know what the hell the OP is talking about.


Did the op ever watch the show because there were alot of white ppl in the show. Get over it OP.
