High scores

This was a fun and challenging game, but it was too short. I beat it twice. high score is 86000000+. I found no difference between the hidden mansion and the regular one. anyone know the difference?


No i just came here wondering the same thing. Is there really a difference between the 2 mansions?




In the end of the Hidden Mansion you get to see what Luigi's mansion You get to see what Luigi's new mansion looked like that he built with the money he foundd in the old one that he tore down and in it's place built a new one which he built with the money he found in the old one that he tore down and in it's place built a new one which he built with the money he found in the old one that he tore down and in it's place built a new one which he built with the money he found in the old one that he tore down and in it's place built a new one which he built with the money he found in the old one that he tore down and in it's place built a new one which he built with the money he found in the old one that he tore down and in it's place built a new one which he built with the money he found in the old one that he tore down and in it's place built a new one which he built with the money he found in the old one and I might be repeating so I'll just say that... Oh, THat's in the oridnary mansion too.

Never Mind : )


I realize you posted this nearly 3 years ago, but I think the difference depends on what you do in the first mansion...I've heard that everything can be exactly the same position-wise, but the ghosts are tougher, or the Poltergust is stronger...or, the entire mansion can be reversed!

...and so on and so forth. I forget where I read that online, but it was a pretty cool walkthrough.

Ich bin eine Nichtraucher.
