
This is on TV right now and I'm disgusted by the way the the mother's live out their childhood dreams through their children. These kids are so fake. It's disgusting... it's repulsive that any parent would put their child through this.


Agreed. I'm watching VH1 right now with a similar documentary...it's sick. These mothers are *(*)#*% in the head. One little girl didn't get a crown and the mother wants to leave the pageant early because she doesn't want "to put her through this"...ok nothing to do with YOUR pride, eh MOM?? The daughter asks if maybe she won in another category and the way the mother tells her, in a sweet voice...is no you didn't place in swimwear, State, nothing." So of course the girl starts to hug her mother and cry. Nice going MOM. One mom says "you have booty so use it!" And they give them GIANT Pixy (sugar) sticks before they go on so they'll be nice and perky on stage. Seems like abuse to me.


Abuse, plain and simple...it should be outlawed, and whoever came up with child beauty pageants and all the parents who put their kids through them should be drug out into the streets and shot. You do that stuff you are NOT letting your kids be kids or be happy or be able to enjoy their childhoods, you are setting them up for a shallow meaningless life where they feel they're not worth anything without 20 pounds of makeup, fake hair, fake eye color, fake eyelashes, fingernails, and weighing very little and dressing like hos...also in going with this beauty pageant crap, those parents are setting their kids up to end up like JonBennet Ramsey. Outlaw it, don't ban it cuz they'll go somewhere else for it, OUTLAW this excruciating ring of child abuse.


I'm watching it now and some mom told her kid to saunter like Mae West.
Case closed.
