DVD problam?

On my DVD it wont show this short, anyone else Have that problam?

Peace, man


No. Have you tried it on diffrent players?


yeah! I tried my computer,my playstation,the DVD player and the other computer, nothings working.

Peace, man


sadly, The Follow does not include in the DVD. I was pissed !


I heard that the initial pressing of the disc where thew film doesn't work was because Forrest Whitaker's contract wouldn't allow them to use the film on anything other than the internet. SO contractually they couldn't include the film on the disc, although they still had the menus.

My guess is that they sorted the problem out and the subsequent versions did include the film. I was extremely pissed off, too. I thought my disc was broken when I got it. And I'm a huge Wong Kar Wai fan.


There are 2 DVDs of the follow. When it was first released, there were 5 shorts on the DVD. On that DVD, the Follow plays w/o problem. If you have the follow up DVD w/ 8 shorts, the Follow doesn't play. Sad but true...


Wow! I didn't knew that! I'll keep that in my mind when i'll buy the DVD...

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
