Time setting? 70s?

Those of you who have read 'Deadly, Unna?' will know that the novel is set in the 1970s. I was wondering if the film is meant to be set in the 70s too? It's not very clear for me whether it is or isn't. I spotted something on second viewing I originally thought was an anachronism. Gary's brother Teamman wears a shirt in the movie from FIFA World Cup 94. Then I noticed a few other things like a picture of Pauline Hanson on a newspaper from the 90s or 00s and the fact that Dumby and Blacky talk about Kylie Minogue who didn't become famous until the 80s. I remember when we were watching it at school one guy laughed at the "70s bikes" Blacky, Pickles and the other kid were riding.

Is it meant to be set in the early 00s when it was filmed?

"Screw you guys, I'm going home!"


I think they made it more timeless, a bit like the film, "Mouse Hunt" where there are things from several decades that make it difficult to pinpoint the era it is supposed to be set in...even though the book was in the 1970s. I mean, even the police cars were definitely not cars from the 1970s and I barely saw any form of technology other than a television, so I'd say it's on the timeless side.

I know this is a very late reply, but thought I'd give my two cents on what I think, since I just watched it for a second time...the other time being over 5 years ago.


Very late reply but the flag they won said premiers 2002
