MovieChat Forums > Cypher (2002) Discussion > This film still hasn't been released in ...

This film still hasn't been released in the USA...

...will it ever be released here?


Hey, this film has yet to get proper releasing in Canada, and it is a Canadian film!


In Germany it will be available next week!
A great 2 Disc-set!




If you understand German:



was recently released on DVD in Australia.

It doesn't surprise me that Miramax has some involvement with this film. Put it alongside "Hero", "Shaolin Soccer", "Below" and "Equilibrium" and films that have sat on the shelf for ages.


Look at the german paige! A real catch, Donnie Darko and Cypher at the same time! =)


what the hell, it's been like 2 years almost 3 and this movie still hasn't been shown here in North America, are they ever planning on releasing it here? the least they can do is put it on DVD.



I figured, "why wait?" I bought a region 2 DVD and watched it on my computer. Worth every british pound I spent. I plan on buying a multi-region DVD player soon.

I extremey dislike the whole DVD region concept. There are so many movies out there that deserve to be seen (and possibly owned) by me. Why should I wait for some American distributor to wise up and release foreign movies here? I finally watched Krzysztof Kieslowski's Decalogue. I've been looking for the series in video stores for 10 years. Thanks, Netflix. (Do not take this an advertisement; Netflix has its flaws.)


oh ok, maybe I should buy a "mulit-region DVD player" too, I didn't even know such a thing exist, but yeah...the whole region concept is totally annoying especially if you want to watch foreign films that aren't released here.


Multi-region DVD players do exist. It's just that none of the big electronic chains sell them, and so you aren't seeing much in advertisement. Right now, they're available from Amazon UK and some outlets in the United States. Of course, buyer beware.


Yawn. eMule. Yawn. I'm not one for "ripping off" movies, but I have used it to see movies I never would have heard of going to Best Buy, Blockbuster, or HBO for. I'd never heard of Cypher until I saw the forum topic on Shareconnector. Now I have another DVD to add to my collection... When it goes on sale. Apparently there's trouble finding it... I've not looked, but other "rare" and otherwise unknown movies (for example Interstate 60) have turned up pretty cheap on And Shareconnector lists hundreds of movies... Most of which I pass by, but something looked special about Cypher. Apparently I was right.

My message board:


Yes, same story here.


You can get region cracks for almost all DVD hardware produced by major companies.


But it says "Country: USA" here on imdb?


Hey in New Zealand all we have is Multi Zone players... there is no such thing as a single zone DVD player here... and we have EVERYTHING on DVD. Movies that for some reason are rare to find anywhere else... Im actually quite surprised that were ahead of other countries in this respect!!!!!


This is at least a halfway decent film, better than a lot of drivel you see in the theaters, so why not release this? Hmm...

I'm in South Korea and I just saw it for the second time on cable. It's been out for a couple months at least, even longer on VHS, I think.

And I agree... region encoding sucks big time!



Saw this movie at the theatre in Tokyo...

I think I know why it hasn't been released in the US...'s too close to the truth.


Instead of buying a region free dvd player you can use your Playstation 2. Just order this disc which turns your PS2 into a region free player. There is also a version out for Xbox. Ive been using this for over a year & it works great with every region!


OR... you can just go and live in Europe...

Tell Americans that their really missing out on this film!

And than..rub it!!! :-D


I'm canadian and I'm missing out on this film too...



It's been out in Australia for ages on dvd. By the way, if you want to get your dvd player to play any region, there are hack codes which can be programmed into your player, using the remote control, and they usually work to switch the player to region free, then it'll play damn well anything. Just do a search on the net, type in the players brand and code, and something like 'region free hack' and you may well find a site with the right hack code listed... you may not, too, but it's worth a look. Good luck! PS I'm posting this because I too think the whole region coding thing is stupid and annoying.



I'm from New Zealand and the film is available on DVD.
It is a zone 4 dvd.
I didn't realise it was so hard to get a zone free dvd player in other countries, all the players sold here that I know of are multi-zoned.
I've got a Pioneer DVD player and a Panasonic hard drive DVD player, both multi-zoned.


yeah, the US and maybe Canada (hell I don't know) is the only place that still really cares about region-free and all that... I heard that the NZ government doesn't even support DVD Regions and thats why its so easy to get Multi-region DVd players there, and here in Australia as well. Anyhow, IMHO, DVD regions are stupid and annoying, and the sooner they get rid of them the better. It's not even like copy-protection, which is used to stop illegal copying, DVD regions are used for no other purpose than to get more money for the big DVD companies.


Yeah 'Happiness is easy' Is right... In New Zealand ALL our DVD players are multi zone .... How come other countries dont have that??????


On Monday, I saw Cypher on the new release shelf at a Canadian Blockbuster. So it's been out since last Tuesday, probably longer.


OH MY GOD!!!!!...Ive owned this movie on DVD since 2003 and its just come out over there!!!
Move to New Zealand or Australia!!!!!
You poor North Americans... I feel for you i really do


I just saw this film on Showtime in Kuwait and it was really great. I'm glad it's out there. Hope it's available in the US now. This subtle censorship stinks.


Austrailia: "We're crazier facists than America! Do you think they like us yet? Then we better censor more stuff!"

I've often considered moving to NZ -- it seemed like a warmer Canada -- but something changed my mind while looking into it. I cannot recall what. I seem to think it was also a censorship issue.


I am from Greece and it's been 3 and a half years since the day I saw this movie-I remember this detail because I first saw it in a festival=.Anyway, this movie got a normal theatrical release here and I can not understand why it hasn't been released in the U.S.yet.


It HAS been released in the US as "Company Man" quite hard to find cause it's independent, but hopefully knowing the right title should help.


Just saw it on Showtime Beyond today. Great movie! Not sure if it came directly to cable or hit the video stores a long time ago, but know this is the first time cable has aired it. Shame it wasn't available sooner. Just in case it never gets shown again, I'm recording the next airing of it tonight. ;)
