MovieChat Forums > Cypher (2002) Discussion > (Spoiler) what it says on the disc at th...

(Spoiler) what it says on the disc at the end)

Did Sun right on the disc to kill Rita. Or did they write it so Digi would think she workes for sun (maybe she does)?

Did she used to work for them but now she works for Rooks so Sun wants her dead?

Or did Rooks know she was bad and due to the brain wahing didn't know that and therefore have to kill her?

Why did he brain wash himself if all he had to find out was that he had to kill Rita? Does the film boil down to love and whether she really had "faith" in him. Despite the apparent faith he has to kill her? Is this because after everything she works for Sun.


Ironically I used to work for a company call Sun Systems. They designed Ebay.


?? He freed her by destroying the only exisitng information about her real identity. Thats the matter of fact: a simple proof of love.



Cool thanks that was the same answer my friend said. Cheers!


Unfortionatly my picture quality isn't perfect, but this is what I was able to make out (there are som gaps, they are marked by ...):


Sunways Security File
# 247174y514543gcfdgfcjge454u5


Sunways security File # 247174y510987h3df8708
This is a Code Orange File. Any persons found in possession of this
material without adequate Level 6 Security Clearance will be immediately
prosecuted under Sunways Special Order 43875.

A.K.A. Dr. Kelley Dons, Natassia Sarbinski, Amy Green, Namie Tsukemodo,
Fung-Yu, Kitty Wells, Ju Pau Killbit, Horatia Delusentopolis, Jill
Hopkins, Akita Spools, Francesca Pistolesi, Dorlissa "Hurricane" Trubadore,
Anias Schmidt, Antionette Dubois, Ilsa Von Kustanst, Erica Sinyor, Ika

Vital Stats: Sex: Female, Race: Asian, Height: 5'6", Weight: 105 pounds
Born: January 6, 1971

Education: Peking Opera, PHD in Criminology and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford

Present whereabouts: Unknown

Orphaned at the age of four when her parents where executed by government
shock troops for "insurgency and anarchist ties", Rita Foster's original
name was Tsing Lung. She was adopted by a family of circus acrobats known as
the Panda Clan, famous for unusual "Panda-like" black markings on their
skin. To protect her from the clutches of the state orphanage they painted
to resemble their own and took her on a cross country tour. Under Panda

Foster became a first rate contortionist, performing in the small
towns and vilages wich dot the countryside of Southern provinces of
China. In 1976.
Hong Tao, a former strongman saw her act. Recognizing her talent, he brought

age ????, she became a featured trapeze artist in spite of her success,
she longed to escape from the brutal life of the circus. During the 1982
world tour of the Peking Opera, she defected to the West. Her first home
outside of China was in Rome, Italy, she scraped togheter a living as
street perfomer. Litle is known of this period. It has been rumored that

orchestrated the ilegal sale of priceless artifacts from the Vatican. The
procurement of these religius objects was secretly ordered by the highest
echelons of the Catholic Church to assist in easing its own financial woes.
Foster may havebeen employed by Rooks' to help steal these items from vaults

forgeries. Most famous of this pieces was the Shroud of Turin wich Rooks'
is rumored to have kept for himself. In 1983, exactly one year later, Foster
crossed the Atlantic to New York. It is at this time that Foster acquired her
American name and citizenship, presumably with the assistance of Rooks'.
Foster had little difficulty adapting to the American lifestyle, having

...In a very short period of time, she became a
fashion model. By the age of 16 she was courted by New York's top
agencies, but she turned her back on the fashion industry when she was
accepted to Stanford University. There she studied behavioral sciences,
eventually specializing in criminology. Her 1994 graduate thesis "Abberant
Behavior of the Unconscious Criminal" caused a great contoversy, linking
criminal behavior with the subconscious mind. Foster argued that latent
identities exist in recessess of the cerebral cortex. Some of these identities
antisocial by nature and therefore inclined to criminal behavior. Her paper
argued that these abberant enteties served an essential function in the
evolution of our social desing. "By challenging moral standars they invoke
change." Therefore she reasoned, antisocial behavior is a positive force for
societal progression. So explosive was this notion that the Stanford
psychology departement tried to supress the publication of Foster's findings.
Angered but unable to fight back Foster turned her back on Academia. At this
critical juncture in her life, Rooks' once again appared on the scene. There
is no cleare evidense of their meeting but close friends of Foster claimed
that she had been invited to a remote island in the South Pacific to spend
time on Rooks' yacht. In 1996 all traces of Foster disapered. While there is
no conclusive evidence to link her to Rooks' operations in this period, she
may have participated in Rook's famous "Triad info Highjacking". This
... a major security breach within the Triad of megacorporations of
wich Sunways is a member. It would seem that Foster had come to...
...the thesis of the criminal mind. She is suspected of helping Rooks' spread Sunways sistercompany, New Pathe Thechnologies and... Sunways most sensitive information center. By the end of 2000 it
became apparent that Rita Foster was Rooks' number one operative. Whenever
Sunways had required Rooks' services, his chief representative have been
Foster. While contact with her remains indirect, it appears that her
relationship with Rooks' may extend beyond the professional. In other words,
Foster may be Rooks' Achiles heel. If she is destroyed Sunways may have a
chanse of seriusly damaging Rooks' counter-Triad operations. It is the
recommendations of the Sunways security chief Francis C. Calleway, that Rita
Foster be targeted for elimination. This is Code Orange Termination Order
Code # 48754354

Terminate whith extreme prejudice.
