
The boyfriend/dogkiller - was he also half-korean?
The silent boy - (again) was he also half-korean? :)

When all three carried patches over their eyes... afterwards the boys could see anyway... Was that just some "dreamy" thing?

My friend thought the tattoo on Chang-guks's mothers breast was the name of her lost husband. But Im sure it was Chinese characers, strange...

Ki-duk's obessesion of sharp metall-things + body is tough Ö~ö

I think Adress Unknown consists of much more meat than The isle (stupid saying, hehe!). And I think you shouldn't judge out it just because of the acting, that was not the most important in this film.


I'm 95% sure Chan-guk was the only half-Korean character in the film.
The bit where they all have patches over their eyes is real - they boy hurt his eye when his home-made gun backfired.
The tattoo on the mother's breast was indeed the name of her American husband - the young American soldier later tries to do the same to the girl with the bad eye.


The acting was not bad at all for this movie.
For the record the only half korean was Chang-Guk.
And that eye patch scene is one of my favorite scenes in the movie!


I thought the tattoo said "U.S. Army" on the mother's chest...


And I think you shouldn't judge out it just because of the acting, that was not the most important in this film.

some of the bad acting contributed to the flick. especially the 2 thugs and Chang-Guk's mom. they kept speaking in that messed up english to show how pathetically unnatural it was. really made you dislike them. i think flick was trying to criticize koreans trying to be something they're not. it's always the weak who sell out their own.


they kept speaking in that messed up english to show how pathetically unnatural it was

Well said


There was so much going on in this film that I find it hard to pick out one message to focus on.

However, I agree that the Korean characters are trying to speak English in an attempt to escape from their bleak, poverty stricken lives. Their inability to pronounce or communicate properly only serves to exemplify how unreal their dreams are and ultimately foreshadows the tragic disappointment that awaits them all.

For me, the reality of their inability to escape is demonstrated perfectly by the shot of the son frozen into the ground.

Great film.


I saw the eyepatch scene as showing that each was "marked" by their experiences (as influenced by the US).

Revelation! Somehow I missed that the mom's breast was tattooed. I just thought there was some inscrutable symbolism I was missing!

Yeah, I shrink from the metal/body scenes. Gruesome w/out being terribly bloody (as a slasher movie would be). Torture porn flix can hardly make me more squeamish.
