Very very sad show

Two things depress me about this show.

We watch this show every night. We noticed that begining with this season, the questions have suddenly become extremely dumbed down. Prior to this season, they would usually ask legit questions that required some outside knowledge (like "Name any Beatle"). Now during this season, the questions have dramatically changed to ask questions where the answer is usually provided within the question itself (like "If your French teacher is from France, they are a patriot of what country?"... "Which general is buried in Grant's tomb?"...)

The saddest part of this show is just how incredibly horribly the average person can't answer even the absolute -dumbest- questions (except, of course, EVERYBODY can correctly answer sports questions). It doesn't bother me when somebody doesn't know the latest street terms; but when somebody answers that Brazil is the largest country in North America, I really have to wonder just how illiterate and/or stupid the average person is. This stuff doesn't require college degrees, it requires having passed elementary school...

The lasting legacy of this show is a vivid demonstration of just how stupid America has become.


I HATE THIS SHOW, i totally agree with the questions being dumbed down, there is hardly a question i cant answer, and i was watching the show last night and when i saw the EASIEST questions being answered wrong, it made me wonder if maybe the show isnt staged, like they TELL someone to get it wrong and give them the answer to say. Either way, this is the most useless show on tv and i cant wait for the day it is finally cancelled. I use to like watching it as well, but now i just laugh at how DUMB it has become! ~JEN~


I am equally annoyed with this show--the questions used to be fun and quirky and now they are ridiculously stupid. The only thing that rescues me from proclaiming the stupidity of Americans is the fact that only 13 questions are aired for each episode per contestant (and that's only if the contestant is picked for the "pick your brain" category'0. This makes me think (or possilby hope) they are asked tons of questions and the writers pick the ones that they miss to make them look stupider than they are.

At least I really hope this is what happens, because I thought everyone knew how to pronounce the word "cello".


I think it's hilarious. Frank asked a guy, the other night to pronounce the word "Placebo", and use it in a sentence. You know what he said? "Place-a-bow" "Place a bow on the table!" it's not the shows fault, the guy was stupid. But, the show in itself is hilarious!

I died then I thought of you and came back to life.
How can you think if you're dead?


Last night Frank asked this girl if she knew what continent they were on and she said South America. What an idiot! He also asked a guy if pianist is to piano, chellist is to what and the guy answered chellio. I can't believe some of these people on this show.


I don't think it's staged, but I do think there are 2 things contributing to some of the stupid answers -- one is that I think they tell them that if they don't know, just to say something. The other is that the people they're questioning are nervous and on the spot -- I think sometimes your mind just shuts off...

Though many of them are just clueless...


Yeah, I know. It really tells me that The show itself is showing signs of not returning next fall. But then again it haas been on for 5 years straight!


Look "stupider" than they are? That is ironic...


well they do interview a LOT of peopel for one to be fair...for all we know the majority of people knew them....they just choose the best ones for the show


If you don't like this show, why do you watch it every night?....

The ghetto scares me



Redhawk, did you read his post???....He is/was a fan of the show so he tuned in for the new season not knowing that the questions had been dumbed down.

That's pretty pathetic.


great reply. To each his/her own I guess, because believe it or not, I 'still' miss the show and will take it any day over the reality crap that we're seeing today.


Yeah, you only get to be on the show if you are funny, so it's possible that people simply act stupid to get on television. Know-it-all's wouldn't be good for the bottom line or the ratings.


Sorry to say now but Street Smarts has been cancelled and you can only enjoy these episodes when they air only on GSN. :(



I love this show! Frank is hilarious and seems like a genuinely nice guy. I think if it were anyone else doing the show, it wouldn't be as funny or interesting.

JD—are you sure Street Smarts has been cancelled? If so, how did you find this out (if it was online, please post a link).

I love watching it and would sorely miss it if it hasn't been renewed. It's definitely deserved the 5 seasons it's been on so far, and I can't believe they would have cancelled it now when it seemed like the show and Frank were in their prime.


Frank's funny, but I get mixed moods about the snow.

The only real problem that I have is when the "Street guys" get the question wrong..and they seem to SOOO SURE that it's right. Some of the people who Frank talk too are just wrong (but Frank can be too ;p)

"What is James Bond's ethicity?"



"Oh Yeh! White, accent and everything!"

>.<;;;;; I think that's what they said.


JD—are you sure Street Smarts has been cancelled? If so, how did you find this out (if it was online, please post a link).

I love watching it and would sorely miss it if it hasn't been renewed. It's definitely deserved the 5 seasons it's been on so far, and I can't believe they would have cancelled it now when it seemed like the show and Frank were in their prime.

Sorry, but it's true,


Street Smarts Definitely Over, Andre J Reaches Great 8
After 790 episodes and five seasons as the little show that could, Street Smarts is ending production.
Host Frank Nicotero is returning to the standup circuit after what is believed to be the longest run in television history for a late-night game show.
Winding up the run with the series' $100,000 Tournament of Champions, Monday night's Savvy 16 round pitted wacky favorite Andre J against challenger Monique.
Andre J scored the win to advance to the Great 8 round when he held his lead after the Wager of Death.
Andre J was up 1200-900 before the WOD: correctly spell rabbi as in the sentence: "The rabbi scolded me for putting ham in my motzaball soup."
Monique correctly predicted street savant Eddie would be right with "rabbi." She jumped from 900 to 1,600 points.
Andre J turned the tables when he said street genius Janet would be wrong. She spelled the Jewish leader's title "rabhi." Andre J added 900 more points to win with 2,100.

Goodbye Street Smarts! It was great knowing you.

SS (2000-2005)


Haha, it so sad, one, a guy was asked what state IN AMERICA is this while being shown a picture of florida. He answered: "WHOOWEEE... south africa" and me and my friend were laughing for 10 minutes straight. Then, he was asked what country portugeese(sp?) was spoken and he said "arabian". But before all that, the funniest was "what is taken out in a c-section?" the guy answered "a woman's brain." It's just so sad how a person can be so stupid, but have the guts to go on t.v. and admit his stupidity.


I'll admit I was surprised to hear the question "What's 9,999 + 1?" I kept thinking, "Okay, maybe it's a question where you automatically reply with 1,000 when you meant 10,000." But the answer that one guy gave.. What'd he say? 2 million something?

I don't know.






What are you talking about? This show is awesome. It's fun to laugh at stupid people. And sometimes the questions can be a little challenging - it might give YOU, for example, a chance to stretch your brain. So, yeah, this show is one of all the all-time greatest shows and I think you must be on pot.

P.S. Learn how to spell "Jeremy"


This show is the best on at 10 PM but come Sept. 12th, it will be replaced by Blind Date and Elimidate on UPN where I live but you can see the best of shows on GSN at 10 PM.


aw i liked this show.


I really liked it too. But Frank sometimes got on my nerves. I only watched it for the set design and the hotties (I've never had a hottie for myself). Teresa Lee (the babe who won the tournament) has her own homepage on


I love this show. It shows exactly how stupid the average American is! And it's pretty stupid!!

Dumb Americans!


I believe most of the people honestly know the answer but say a wrong answer anyway to get on the show!


I love the show. I'm angry that it was cancelled. Why the hell would they cancel it? Look at all of the other crap shows on the air that are much worse than Street Smarts. I think Frank should get his own talk show preferably a late night show. He's GREAT with people and celebrities. Very Funny.


It is staged! I have seen ads for the show with a contestent giving the wrong answer but in the actual show they get it right.


its just a fun gameshow thats about guessing who got questions right , lets see what they said for laughs
