Anyone get stumped?

I am on average 98% dead on, but I got the russian word for 'no' worng believing it was german. Anyone else willing to admit they too are mildly dumb?


Me. :) I know pretty much all of them but there are some select few that I have no idea or just can't seem to remember.

"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."


XD Ooh, yeah. I thought it was German too xP But then again I know nothing about either languages.. Didn't know what an airstream thing was..

Darryl was cute on the show :D


The German word is nein; the Russian word is nyet.


I would very rarely get anything wrong on this show. I think the people they pick are people who just know how to be dumb clowns like our former President.


yeah some questions used to get me but i was super young when it was o air
