Beastly is hilarious

I think it's hilarious in the "I, Robot Heart " episode when Beastly makes the "om " noise. It happens when he falls off the roof and when he crashes in to the tree.


He's pretty hilarious in most episodes! "I'm SO bad!"


The show was at its best when No Heart was the main antagonist. There was a central theme to everything and the stories were all at least linked by the underlying threat of his schemes.

The first season was very simplistic and almost looks and sounds like a different show, and by the 4th it was purely episodic and almost... kaleidoscopic? I'm not even sure how to term the many episodes that were about cooking or household chores and often nothing plot-wise at all. There was nothing uniting them by that point save that the characters were all still the Care Bears and Cousins. Even the theme of caring was abandoned.
