Oh dear

Gutted. I watched this movie the other day and was very disappointed. I'm not sure what was worse the hammy acting or the CGI. I think it should be renamed Attack of the Giant Cartoon Shark. Sounded very promising when I first heard it was being made, and I can't believe it took this long to release with an end product like that. Will have to wait a bit longer yet for a half decent Megalodon movie.


As a sharkaholic, it was an okay movie. But the CGI work was a lot better
than the acting. The underwater effects I thought was very good. The shark did not look or act cartoonish. To me, cartoonish is more animated. The shark did not look or act in that way. The way it responded to electronic impulses in the water was very believeable. Please give the shark the benefit of the doubt. The way the shark was built and designed was very well done.

The movie moved way too fast for me, and I felt it should have been longer.
Also, the people who made this movie over-hyped it.


Aren't we all seeing this just to keep up with Backstreet Boy, Brian Littrell? He plays "rig worker."




Are you serious?

Lmao, I just bought or rented about six movies today, but now MEGALODON is my top priority.


I agree with you danwellis. The one thing that made me like this movie was the way the shark was portrayed. It acted like a shark it didn't act like it was trying to kill all the people. It showed no interest in the humans until there was something for it to be attracted too, like the small subs engines or the engine room on the rig. I forget what brought him in when he breached the ice, I think the helicopter blades where doing it. The shark itself did leave them alone for the most part until they did something stupid to attract it back to them.

I thought the CGI was well done considering, better then "Deep Blue Sea". I didn't like the whole thing where the one guy wanted to kill it because he said they upset the balance of nature. He just wanted revenge, otherwise he would have felt compelled to go after everything else they let lose. And I guess he didn't think about where there is one there has to be more. I loved the final scene.

"Run, Runner!!!" --


i did have high hopes for this movie.a 60 foot prehistoric shark let loose on the public,like jaws only big time with fantastic special effects,music that fraws in your attention & long drawn out underwater scenes where you know somebodys gonna get it but you dont know who.
what more a reason to sit down with a few beers with the light off & the volume turned right up?
but NO!they had to go & ruin it all,didnt they.
for the benifit of anybody interested,the leading character is a squared jawed hero who speaks in a deep,grunty voice.he likes to make long winded speeches with a smug grin on his face about bugger all.if he was in a pub he wouldnt be able to pick himself up off the floor quick enough.
the story is rubbish involving a group of people on a oil rig battling a massive shark...& thats that.
wouldnt bother watching it again.


Please Please Please Listen to or read Meg...... This is a book I listened to on tape driving back to college in '97. It has been passed down to about ten of my friends. This book on tape now that I think about it has been discontinued according to my friend. Awesome story. This diarrhea of a script does not begin to tell the story. SHARK FANS, get the book, get the book on tape somehow, hell, do what ya gotta do. This movie is an embarassment to the author. Listen, there was even an opening that takes place 1,000,000 years ago with a T-Rex that gets eaten alive by a 'carcarradon megaladon' that was filmed at a big cost in an attempt to sell the story. This is how the opening in the book takes place. What happened to that footage that I know was made and distributed is a mystery to me. Don't watch this train wreck of a film or it will jade you for the hopefully real movie coming out.



Actually, this movie and the book "MEG" have nothing to do with each other, other than both heing about carcharodon megalodon. I've never heard anything about a T-Rex attack being filmed for this movie, but would love to know more about it if you ever find anything. Especially since that would be ripping off Steve Alten's novel more than some of the little bits in this movie did.

I've been chewing this movie over for a long time since I saw it, and I'd have to say, it's not a good movie. It is kind of fun, though. I do think it suffered from a small budget (looks like they were able to build about three sets and spent the rest of the money on the CGI). The acting seems a bit wooden, except for Sachs, who almost seems over the top because everyone else seems so distant. (There were a couple characters, including the jellyfish-scar guy that I think could have really put in some nice performances if they'd been given the chance). The shark is well designed and well built, but not very well animated. Beautiful when it swims, odd-looking when it does anything else (check some footage of great whites to see what I mean). If you love sharks, I'd say give this one a go. It definitely won't make you want to eat a bullet, unlike Shark Attack 3....


Damn Right!

This movie is awful. After the horrible Shark Attack 3 - Megalodon, i hoped to see a good Megalodon Movie, but that is a piece of *beep*.

CGI and Acting are Awful.

I heard that 100percent Entertainment, want to make a movie called: "Megalodon - Hunting the Hunter" but now on there Page is nothing about a sequel, i think it´s better so.


As an enormous fan of SA3:M, I would like to know how this movie compares. Is it as enjoyable, and in the same way? By which I mean, is this movie unintentionally laugh-out-loud funny? Are there parts so absurd that you start to question everything you've ever believed about man's propensity to reason and the ultimate fate of civilization? Because these are the qualities I look for in a shark movie.


this is a nice film for prople


just watched the trailer. even the chopper looked CGI.





I want to like this movie. The acting are better than usual for these types of movies. I liked the actors. But the CGI is just unforgivable. Seriously, most of my PS2 games look much better than this. The helicopter, the shark, etc., just way too much bad CG animation. I have computer animated videos that I got at Natural Wonders in the mid 90's that are superior. If they can't make things look even half way realistic looking, then just don't even try.
