MovieChat Forums > Fainaru fantajî X (2001) Discussion > Most Difficult Sigil? (Spoilers)

Most Difficult Sigil? (Spoilers)


Just wondering which sigil y'all thought was the toughest to obtain.

In order (hardest to easiest), I'd rate them as follows:

1. Venus (Lulu)
2. Saturn (Kimhari)
3. Jupiter (Wakka)
4. Sun (Tidus)
5. Mars (Auron)
6. Mercury (Rikku)
7. Moon (Yuna)

For my money it's the Venus Sigil, hands down. Yes, you can't make a single mistake in the butterfly catching game, but the butterflies fly in the same pattern every time; eventually you can just memorize the pattern; also, the game itself is only 30 seconds long, so if you fail, you've only wasted a matter of seconds. Whereas lightning dodging...I find I can only do it if I'm in exactly the right mood. Too alert/anxious, and I start psyching myself out, anticipating flashes and screwing up the timing. Too relaxed and I just can't keep up. The whole thing requires a combination of patience and calm and focus that I can't usually muster.

Okay, and yes, Chocobo Racing is technically more difficult and frustrating than any Blitzball game, but you have to play like 2,000 games of blitzball to get the Jupiter Sigil. It's awful.

Feel free to disagree!


This is the order in which I got them (and for the last three, the order in which I was going to get them if I hadn't lost my patience and just finished the game without them). So I rate their difficulty in obtaining them in the same way.

7. Sun (Tidus)
6. Venus (Lulu)
5. Moon (Yuna)
4. Saturn (Kimhari)
3. Mercury (Rikku)
2. Mars (Auron)
1. Jupiter (Wakka)

Rikku's isn't really difficult, but I didn't have a "No Encounters" armour and that desert was driving me crazy, so I just gave up on it.

Auron's isn't really difficult either, there's no actual skill involved as with the others, it just takes a long time and random battles can become rather tedious after a couple of hours.

I didn't even attempt Wakka's.

"There's a difference between simply being, and knowing you are."


I knew all my random hours of Blitzball would pay off hahaha. Wakka's was the easiest for me because for a while, when I could NOT beat Seymour Flux, I just played Blitzball all the time. Then I bit the bullet, trained some, kicked his ass, and was on my merry *beep* way. I'm trying Kimahri's right now...screw life this thing is hard as hell. Lulu's is easy if you have time and patience. Rikku's is actually kind of fun, but it gets tedious. Tidus's is hard and fun. Yuna's is a joke. Auron's isn't hard either.

1. Kimahri
2. Lulu
3. Tidus
4. Wakka
5. Rikku
6. Auron
7. Yuna

Sophia Bush = OMG.
Ralph Fiennes needs an Oscar like I need a woman.
Ginny Potter is my hero.


Sun. OMG I sucked at that Chocobo Racing thing so I never got the Caladbolg. The Chocobo Trainer got all the effing balloons. But I got all the rest of them.

"Got it memorized?"
~Axel, Kingdom Hearts II


chocobo racing is the hardest one for me. cause i dont even use lulu so i dont try for it and wakas is easy and u get good items on the way to gettin it

Possessed Witch: You found me beautiful once...
Ash: Honey, you got reeeal ugly!


I got Wakka's without realising what it was. Blitzball was awesome.
Kimari's was the worst!


I haven't gotten all of them and it's been a long time since I've played the game but whichever one you have to dodge all that lightning for is probably the hardest. Either that or Wakka's.



Wakka's is well worth it, his overdrives with break damage limit do well in the Arena fights. Takes the longest yes, but certainly not the hardest.

The hardest has to be Kimahri's. Yes, you can memorize the pattern, but once you start actually racing for it and hit one of those annoying-ass red butterflies with the encounters you can't run from... it's just tedious fighting every time.

Lulu's is annoying, but at least you don't get random encounters. Go to a certain area where lighting hits every second and you got it.

Tidus is hard, but was hella fun. It's partly luck as well since the balloon's pattern is random and some are almost impossible.

The other three are wicked easy, I had no idea I was even getting Auron's it was like it was handed to me on a silver platter when trying to do something else. Same with Yuna's, and Rikku's was an awesome sidequest.

Though, X-2's cactuar sidequest trumps this one by far.


Your list looks pretty close to me. I could never get Lulu's, it's just too godamm hard. Wakka's isn't really difficult, it just takes a long time. Tidus's is more difficult, but with patience it can be done. But in all honesty you can make weapons almost as good if you know what you're doing. The only x factor is the break hp limit ability.

I still have nightmares about dodgning lightning. I made it to about 120 and couldn't get any farther.


Hardest to easiest

Chocobo Racing
Butterfly Racing
I like blitzball so...Blitzball!
Yuna (get it while doing story...)tied with Auron (get it while doing story...)

to this day, I've only ever gotten the lightning dodging once.


In order of hardest to easiest for me:

1: Lulu's. I'm not patient enough to dodge 200 times, and my reflexes are terrible.
2: Wakka's. Never took much of an interest in Blitzball, and I don't usually use Wakka anyway.
3: Kimahri's. Butterfly Catching bores me to death.
4: Tidus'. I love the Chocobo mini-games, but I cannot for the life of me get the 0:00.00
5: Rikku's. Went much faster once I had armor with "No Encounters," and it was actually pretty fun. Fighting Cactuars can be a bit of a pain though.
6: Auron's. Goes by pretty quickly if you catch fiends frequently enough.
7: Yuna's. Hardest part was getting enough money to pay Yojimbo and completing the Bevelle Cloister of Trials.


This is based on 2 100 hour games I've played. The first one when I first got it, now, I'm playing it again for lack of waiting for XIII to come out.

1. Lulu - I think i got to about 15 before I gave up.
2. Kimari - Those damn butterflies give me nightmares.
3. Tidus - I got actually the first time I raced...EVER!! but on the second game, for the life of me, I can't get past about 10 seconds now.
4. Wakka - It's easy to get, just have to be patient. I've got it on the second one.
5. Aurons - Easy enough, again, patience.
6. Rikku - When you're doing that chase, hunt the nasties in the desert. two birds with one stone.
7. Yuna - Story.

I've got the Godhand on both, as do I with Nirvana, World Champion on the second... I think I have the 4 on the first game.

Rest easy@night-there are devils out there(me)who hunt evil in shadows and mist
