I hate Blitzball...

Does anybody feel the same way?


It was the worst



Yes I also hated blitzball..

What Ever Happened To Crystal Pepsi?


Nah, blitzball is easily the best FF minigame ever! Too bad they completely changed the rules for the sequel, so I no longer understood it.


"Nah blitzball is easily the best FF minigame ever!"




I like how the squeal went about with the game.. All you had to do was watch and instead of play and it went in fast motion..

What Ever Happened To Crystal Pepsi?


I hate Blitzball. I think it's easily the worst feature in this game, and definitely the least fun minigame of all the Final Fantasies. I hate that you have to win tournaments to get Wakka's extra Reels, because I've been playing FFX for 6 years and I STILL suck at Blitzball and it is STILL as not fun as it was six years ago, and I STILL have absolutely no ambition to get better at it. I've tried. I really did. But it's just too damn annoying and it's not worth my time. At least Sphere Break in X-2 is fun, once you understand what you are doing.



I got to the stage where I was winning 11-0 every game and then suddenly realised I still had to play another 20 to get Wakka's overdrives...it wasn't a bad minigame, just took too damn long...

"Woohoo! Four-day weekend!"


I HATE it and it is damn hard.


I've honestly never had a problem playing the game except for the first tournament. After that, recruiting and playing was simple. I actually liked it. Oh well.


Blitzball gets somewhat fun once you understand what you're doing too, same as Sphere Break. You've just grown a severe dislike for it because you keep sucking at it and not learning, otherwise you'd just find it boring at worst. I can't believe that after 6 years you still haven't figured out the way to successfully play it. I think you're more annoyed by yourself than the game, because why else still play it after six years? You could let your little brother play those minigames for you as a trade for some snacks.



I actually liked it. I can play it for hours at a time. I knew you had to play it to get Wakka's Overdrives, but I had too much fun with it and lost myself in it, so when Wakka's overdrives appeared as prizes, I was like "Oh cool," and got them easily.



I really like Blitzball...actually the reason I rebought the game and one of the reasons I just restarted the game even though I ditched my ps2 for a ps3

the worst game is the very first that you play along in the story line..they want you to lose...but afterward, when you get to scout and pick your team...it is easy

the key is to get rid of all the Auroch players..cause they suck....then you need Wedge(guarding the seating section of the stadium), and Jumal(sitting with his family infront of the bar where you get wakka's final weapon) and then you head down Mihen Highroad until the Al Bhed Inn and get Ropp(standing behind the desk by the rooms)

there, you have one of the best starting forwards in wedge, the best goalie in Jumal, and one of the finest dmen in Ropp



I love Blitzball. I used to hate it, but then I actually read the directions enough to truly understand them, and now I love it. I have an awesome team now.


Blitzball sucked ass because it was way too easy. I never lost a game. But, it was so difficult to get all of Wakka's abilities.


I really liked blitzball. If you took the time to get Wakka on the team and was stubborn enough to keep the Aurochs, you could be like lvl 20 and shooting 99's from midfield. Jecht Shot 2 was hilarious too. Penetrates 3 defenders and 100% chance to turn invisible, you can just swim to YOUR goal and shoot it across the field and score with 0 shot value since it's invisible... Just make sure you junk Keepa ASAP and get Nimrook.


Blitzball is much better then Chocobo crap and playing cards. i LOVE blitzball, sometimes i'd play like 5 games a day.


I love it!

Especially when you get a bunch of different players from across Spira to join your team and you can win a lot of prizes...

That's all freedom is... an illusion.


They made it way over complicated.
I've never really tried to blitz after Luca, though.
A gramme is better than a damn.


Good game yes, But once you get to level... 15 tops, youre unbeatable and winning 8/9/10 to nothing, which made it really borring. And then you have to play until level 40ish to get all of Wakkas overdrives and THEN a billion more to get his Sigil.

But then again, it's certainly easier than the *beep* lightning dodging. 200 in a row? bull$#!+

We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat


What was complicated about it? Figure out a few things and you know all there is to know.


I thouht litzball was quite decent. as for minigames it was easy and accesable. i even beat the very first match after a few tries through the game. I got to the point where I won everytime. Once the Psyches got rid of Nimrook, I was absolutely unstoppable. It let me get World Champion before I even realized that there were secret weapons for everyone.

Rest easy@night-there are devils out there(me)who hunt evil in shadows and mist
