Republican Propaganda

I am part of a private study, examining all of the programs coming out of Fox that seem to have a right-wing slant on them.

We are looking for any program that promotes a conservative agenda, or pro-religious, or jingoistic American attitude. These influences need not be direct or overt, but can be subtle and psychologically affect the sub-conscious.

Because of the massive number of these works, we would like to ask for the public's support. There are some 2500 film and television programs we will focus on from 1985 to 2005, examining an overall trend, and especially focusing on children's programming.

If anyone can help us in our research by referring to specific examples in specific film or television shows, please write to [email protected]


A worthy topic of inquiry, perhaps, but it's less than scientific to go into a study having already decided what you're going to find. Sounds more like simply documenting your own biases.

What group exactly is sponsoring your "private study"?
