pure boredom

i can't help but i haven't been bored like this in quite a while.
the movie doesn't even start interesting. (wow a espionage thing. never seen this before)
there is no characterdeveloping at all, so you don't care about anyone.
the 2nd half is ripped into incoherent pieces (imo) no one cares to put together (unlike Mulholland Dr).
i've read all posts and comments about this movie, but nothing could convince me that this is a good film.
(at least connie looks kinda good ;)

dear reader. if you think you are able to convince me: be my guest :)

for the first time i absolulty go with Roger Ebert:
"By the end of the movie, I frankly didn't give a damn."


Agreed. It was mildly intriguing at best, but then it just stopped making sense, and not in the Talking Heads kinda way... what the hell happened to Gina Gershon? They had that big ass fight, then Diane just kinda wakes up. When we see the 'clean up' video, there is no sign of Ginas character (dead or alive) and there is no other mention on the "American Company" past the whole fight scene. Was it all part of "Hellfire Club?" Perhaps it was, but the movie failed to keep me interested enough to care whether it was or not... there were interesting elements but the movie was not cohesive enough to hold together as a whole.


i agree. this is one of few movies i've seen recently that i could not follow, and 3/4 of the way through i didn't even care anymore. i don't understand why sevigny and nielsen were speaking french, yet their american english had no french accent. weren't they french? it doesn't really matter, and i was hopped up on cold medicine last night while watching. i did like the sonic youth parts of the soundtrack.


Might be useful as a sleep aid. No need for drugs. But you people actually stuck through it? I saw it--well, the beginning--at a film festival where people usually have a lot of patience. I fled after the first 20 minutes or so--with a crowd--and this wasn't the first crowd to beat a path to the exit. I find it hard to believe that anyone made it through.

Is some entity other than the French government throwing money at this con artist?


Absolutely agree here. There was so much hype surrounding this movie that I popped in the DVD with absolute trepidation. What a letdown that was! Half-baked. Incoherent. Soulless. Sterile... ain't much to recommand it, I'm afraid.

Edmund Burke, father of modern conservative thought, has much to answer for -- after he's through spinning in his grave, that is!


I started to see the movie, but it was cold as ice. I didnĀ“t expect to the supposed "espionage" part.
