
Anywhere on DVD

Maybe a 25 DVD Disc set.


i've never seen it but i hope it will be released.



With deleted scenes of course.

Pass the potato!


did they really afford to cut something out of it???

but seriously... how many prints actually exists? uncut that is?


Since there are rumors of two existing versions - one which is 85 hours long, while the other is 87 hours long - I guess we can only hope to get the full 87 hour version... Director's cut perhaps! Heh.


yeah, you can get it on dvd...if you have serious insomnia and its prescribed to you. the thing is medication, like percoset, ya dopes

For you must enter a room to destroy it, destroy it, destroy it!


so if I tell doc I have insomnia I get the dvd for free?



you gotta prove it, but hey, if you can stay up for over 12 days without falling into a coma, go for it

For you must enter a room to destroy it, destroy it, destroy it!


I was actually considering making a movie covering 24 continuous hours in real time but was concerned about the length.

This movie soothed my fears.

Back to the DVD question, according to Wikipedia, this movie would occupy 12 DVD's, considering 5 hours per disc - so I suppose no HD-DVD or BluRay!!

Let's see...special features...

director's commentary, which I already use for insomnia sometimes
original theatrical trailer (think 2.5 minutes would cover it?)
the poster!
deleted scenes!


"At 2.0 MBit/s, a very low encoding rate, a poor quality digital transfer of The Cure for Insomnia would be about 76.5GB. Considering that a dual-layer DVD can only hold 7.92GB, this transfer would fill 10 discs. A dual layer Blu-ray Disc can store 50GB, thus this transfer would fill 2 discs."


Stay up for 12 days?

The world record is 11.


and that was a special case, after about ten days without sleep a person dies

and the movie is 3 and a half days long btw


noone has ever died from no sleep


^Yes they have, dumbass.
Anyway, a DVD can hold up to 5 hours of video at mild quality, so the DVD would be 18 discs.


Really> I recall my Pirates of the Caribbean special features disc having "over 10 hours of footage".

Last movies watched: (/10)
The Nines (2007) 8.5
April Fools Day (1986) 7


That probably includes the commentaries. Not that you're listening nearly four years later.

This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.


i used to be on meth amphetamines and I stayed up for 7 days and I knew ppl who stayed up for 15 days and they were nuts, after about 3 days of sleep they were back to normal, if you can call meth heads normal, was the worst time of my life, but staying awake has more of a mental effect, eventually your body would just pass out but not die, unless you fell in water or something


I suffered from a very bad insomnia a few years ago, I actually almost stayed up for 13 days. Tried to sleep of course, but got only a couple of hours of sleep during the whole period. Man was I a mess, still I had to go to school etc. Have no idea how the hell I made it :P


i read this thing about a guy that hasn't slept in 33 years.


I saw a movie about a guy who slept all of his life, except for when his master made him wake up to tell people's futures. Oh, and he didn't sleep when his master made him kidnap and kill people, either. I'm pretty sure it was based on a true story.


I saw a movie about a guy who slept all of his life, except for when his master made him wake up to tell people's futures. Oh, and he didn't sleep when his master made him kidnap and kill people, either. I'm pretty sure it was based on a true story.

For some reason, your story reminds me so much of the plot in a silent film called The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920). (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0010323/) Strange....



They probably have bouts of microsleep, which tend to not be remembered by patients.

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.


After the 7th, you start to hallucinate!


my buddy hallucinated anfter9 or 10 days but u must admit that the bodies of every person on the whole world do not function exactly the same. people are all different so maybe some people have a higher tolerance for wakefulness than others

That guy asked for our help and we lit him on fire! - Karen
Browser is right



Yes the world record is 11 days, but ofcourse then the record is set by a normal person, not a person with the Insomnia illness since they have problems with the sleep etc etc...



I doubt that because i've gone a week without sleep, and that isn't far off... There was a TV program where the contestants weren't aloud to sleep either and that was over a week i believe.

Top 5 films:Seven Samurai,Dead Man's Shoes,Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Throne of Blood,Goodfellas


why twelve days? only if you are going to watch 4 times in a row would that be correct :S

"Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert" - Rhettus Butlerus Maximus


An uncut release at the theaters! That would be a CHALLENGE!


the guy was saying you would have to stay up for twelve days to get it because it was a perscription for insomnia

andhe/she thought that you could only prove to a doctor that you have insomnia if you were up for 12 days

it was a simple mistake

"every body goes down well with beer" 12-21-07 he will get his revenge



Lei en wikipedia y por poco me atraganto.

Un amigo mio me conto que un compañerito de escuela se alquilo la temporada completa de la serie 24 en Blockbuster y tiene que devolverla dentro de 48 horas. Supuse que el estúpido iba a pasar las 24 horas viendo la temporada completa y al dia siguiente dormir, pero termino de verla dos dias después porque pago un recargo de 2 dias mas para ver los otros 3 DVD que le faltaban, miro un DVD por dia.

Mientras que esta película supondría que mirase 1 DVD por dia (como 5 horas por volumen) asi que no es necesario "morir" sin dormir para verla completa, pero viendo que la historia es bastante interesante () dan ganas de verla completa. Espero que en argentina pueda verse y sea editada con subtítulos y no doblada al español. (!!!)

Podes traducir este texto en tu idioma con el Google translator, pero no es 100% fiel al texto original.


Heres the translated(via google) version of what guiller said:

Lei in wikipedia and little by choking me.

A friend of mine told me that a school will hire compañerito the full season of the series in 24 Blockbuster and must return within 48 hours. Assumed that the stupid would spend 24 hours watching the full season and the following day to sleep, but see her finish two days after paying a surcharge because of 2 more days to see the others who were missing 3 DVDs, watch a DVD per day .

While this movie would mean that Mir 1 DVD per day (5 hours per volume) and that there is no need to "die" without sleep to see complete, but seeing that history is quite interesting ([]) want to see complete. I hope that in argentina and is likely to be edited with subtitles rather than dubbed into Spanish. (!!!)

You can translate this text in your language with the Google translator, but is not 100% faithful to the original text.


Gracias por tratar de traducir el texto, veo que el Google Translator no dio buenos resultados, una traducción mas "correcta" seria la siguiente con correcciones para la traducción de palabras no tradicionales y correcciones con un plug-in de Firefox y un poco la experiencia de traductor como usuario en la wikipedia, traduzco de ingles a español, no viceversa.

Thanks for trying to translate the text, I see that the Google Translator did not give good results, a more "correct" coherent translation the following text with corrections for the translation of not traditional words and corrections with a plug-in of Firefox and a little experience of translator like user in the wikipedia, i translate from English Spanish, not vice versa.

I read in wikipedia and nearly I choke. A friend of mine mentioned to me that a friend of the school rented the complete season of the series "24" in Blockbuster and he has to return it in 48 hours. I supposed that the idiot was going to spend 24 hours seeing the complete season and on the following day to sleep, but I stop seeing it two days later because I pay an extra charge of 2 more days to see others 3 DVD that he was lacking, look at a DVD per day.

While this movie would suppose that it was looking at 1 DVD per day (like 5 hours for disc) so it is not necessary to "die" without sleeping to see her finished, but seeing that the history is quite interesting ([]) they give desire of seeing her finished. I hope that in Argentina it could turn and be edited by subtitles and do not doubled to Spanish. (!!!) try to translate this text in your language with the Google translator, but it is not a 100 % faithful to the original text. Correction, it seems that the PROMT TRANSLATOR has more coherent results.


i dont suffer from anything, but its very hard for me to fall asleep. IDK why. i cant get comfortable, i need a light on, i need a light off, its too hot, too cold.

but its annoying.

is there something wrong with me?




How ironic- I'm finding myself falling asleep while reading the posts for this movie
