miscast role

This movie was good.

However, I felt that the role of "Lily Jane Bobbit" was miscast. The actress who played her, Tania Raymonde, seems to be much more suitable to play the role of a tomboy instead. She looks more suitable to play tough&rough roles, for she looks boyish. Tania Raymonde playing Lily Jane Bobbit simply doesn't match! The role of Lily Jane Bobbit seemed less convincing and plausible because of this.




I found Tania Raymonde's Lily Jane Bobbit absolutely captivating and I bought into the character completely. Of course, I understand we're both stating personal opinions but the actress and the character she created worked for me.

Writing about movies is like dancing about architecture


I absolutely love this film. Tania was very graceful in her role. People keep saying her attitude was fake but I just saw her on an episode of 'That's so raven' and she still had the same aura from 'Children on their birthdays.'

You saw me mourning my love for you and you took my hand. I knew you loved me then...


I thought Ms. Raymonde was superb as Lily Jane.

Blaine in Seattle


And take a look at her now grown up. I dont think anybody would ever mistake her for a tomboy,, lol.


Personally, I think it's her Alabama accent, sounds too trying. Sounds more Southern Georgia than Alabama.

