Crappy Movie, Or Crappiest Movie?


Sorry, I know this is basically a duplicate of practically every single other thread about this movie, but after just finishing it I need to vent.

I dare say this was worse than any Lions Gate attempt to interpret Lovecraft--at least those you could laugh at.


Well, American Psycho 1 was crappier, so 2 cannot be the crappiest. Mystery solved.


Neither.... this was a fairly good movie, shame it was marketed as a sequel instead of on its own merit.


Just crappy...

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


Thinking about it, the movie could of been a good cult movie if they had cut out all mentions of Patrick Bateman and just made this about a young girl serial killer and satired the 'depressed and anti-social' 90's (as opposed to the 80's... american psycho 2, about a different american psycho, a normal girl who kills to be popular or smt. anyways.
