I love this flick

Haters gonna hate. Sure, it's ridiculous and trite when compared against the original film/novel, but it's great in a corny B-movie way. It's weirdly funny to see Mila Kunis playing a psycho killer back during her '70s Show days; I'll always associate her with Jackie Burkhardt. There are some fun, tongue-in-cheek murder sequences and the movie is surprisingly atmospheric too. It's stupid in all reality, but it's too much fun for me to dislike.


I agree with you. This is such a fun movie.


I gotta say I love this movie so much lol. Not gonna lie.


I don't know. AP 1 was a completely different, brilliantly written, performance driven good to great movie. A sequel like this movie, doesn't even try, for the most part, to be good or true to the source. It kind of thumbs fans of the first one in the eye. it feels more like the next poison ivy than the next American psycho.

I had the same problem with the hobbits, I resented them so much I couldn't enjoy them on their own merits, and was very hard on them.

I could certainly see how this movie in particular, creates a lot of that kind of backlash.
