MovieChat Forums > James Bond Jr. (1991) Discussion > Question about morning line ups

Question about morning line ups

Ok, I remember watching JB JR back in the day, there is another cartoon I kinda associate with it but cannot for the life of me remember what the show was.

I remember it being really cool for starters, it was a cartoon with both robot and people characters, there was a lot of interaction between the bots and people and I don't think the robots were very big (as in its not Transformers with big robots) I don't want to sound like a weirdo but my memories of this show include that like the robots were giving the main character a woman as a present, and like put her in a box, but the concept was more creepy it was like a coffin-ish box instead of a big like one...whatever...

I can't remember what show this is does any one else have any memory of something like it around the time of James Bond Jr????



Was it Botsmaster?

Tonight you're taking no hostages. Tonight I'm taking no prisoners
