
I watched this show as a child, and I can vividly remember Sebastian's other dog, Poochie. She was white snd lived in his pocket. Whenever he'd get a bit of bread, he'd feed it to her. At age four, I named my puppy Poochie after this show. Does anyone else remember this?



YES! Poochie was my favorite character :)


Poochie was adorable. I wanted a tiny dog after seeing her even though I usually prefer my dogs nice and big.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


Thats hilarious, we named our little white dog poochie as well, after the one on the show. I was barely old enough to watch this show, but i remember the dogs in it very vividly. in fact, i cant remember a single episode, just the general show, and the two dogs.


Yeah, now i remember, you guys are right...I've looked everywhere trying to find this cartoon on DVD..HELP!


Poochie was the most adorable thing I had ever seen! I was crazy about puppies and I didn't remember most of the show, just Poochie. Now I have it on DVD, and Poochie is still cute but kind of yappy, lol. By the way, Poochie is a he, not a she. Belle is female, Poochie is male. ^_^


I named my stuffed Dog Belle after...well, Belle. lol. I got her 20 years ago, when I was 3, and still have her.

'i' before 'e', except in Budweiser


I hated Poochie, I hate little rat dogs. Belle was badass though.
