This is no comedy!!!!

The categories here are waaaaaaaaaaay off at times. Anyone know where you can bring up corrections for errors like this?


This is comedy man!!! I don't know where you live. Maybe you don't understand our Balcan kind of humor.


um...ok. Personally I thought it was depressing war drama. The guy gets left on the mine to die and no one cares. The war scenes were made to be serious and not slapstick, but i guess i can't really argue with someone who lives there

and I can't see how you find that funny.


it's a tragicomedy.


I sort of agree with you but there was some funny stuff. Like, "Do you speak french?" :)


Well i guess dark humor and irony were scatter throughout the movie. I am not too keen on the history or events surrounding the Balkan war so i guess i just didn't get them.


you're not keen on the history or events surrounding the balkan war... but then you gripe that you don't understand the humour?

I'm amazed you haven't complained about not understanding Serbo-Croat!!!

The film is laced with humour throughout... the Britsh officer's totty in her pin stripe and UN helmet. The fact the NOBODY speaks French and almost EVERYBODY speaks English - its a knock back of the constant refrain from France that they are no longer the world's "Lingua Franca" (consider the origins and meaning of that term...).

Not all humour marches up in the street during daylight and hits you over the head with a sledgehammer! Or or you the type that needs canned laughter to know when someone's told a joke?




This means that the people who did the subtitles somehow managed to turn what was a comedic film in Serbo-Croat into what most English-speakers took for a solemn, serious, even tragic film in English. Maybe they should watch the film a few times to get the mood etc. before translating.


watch the trailer, and you will see that they were cleary marketing this as a type of comedy


I've seen this movies couple of times and when I first saw in the cinema, I had some laughs. I haven't seen it with english subtitles yet, only with slovenians. Maybe it's the themes that's tragic and the fact how they leave the guy leaving on the mine and talks about absurd moments in Balkan war, but for us who understand situation and language it was also kind of a comedy. Branko Ðuric is actually a great comedian director.


sadly, it is... it is comedy... balkan humor, probably something that no person out of the balkans would understand... i understood... but i lived throguh it... maybe that's what it takes...


no, I mean, I understand perfectly fine.

Good comedy is comedy that deals with serious issues, seems serious, yet is able to present them in a humorous and satrical way.

That's why most people wouldn't get this. Most people consider Adam Sandler trash as "comedy"


first of all, the language spoken in the movie is not serbo-croatian. its bosnian. odd as it may seem, such a language exists. the serbo-croatian is the oficial language of the former yugoslavia. but the serbs never named it serbo croatian, they named it serbian, just as the croats named it croatian. the diference between those two and the bosnian is minor, but still every man holds to its legacy to its culture, and a language is one of the most important parts of a culture, a national identity.
second thing, this movie is a serious movie, about a serious subject, and everything it has tried to say is serious. but it has also tried to integrate the typical balcan atmosphere in the movie, and that is where all the balcan black humor comes from. it is of course hard to understand for a man who for one doesn´t understand the language, nor the people. but for some it was the only way to stay sane in the insane situation those people found themselves in. to them some scenes could seem extremely funny (like the scene where two soldiers are arguing "who started the war?").
at the end, it is supose to show many things, things about war, about the people in war, about the world is doing to stop such things... maybe a laugh or two just to show that we survived it all and still are capable of laughing to those things.

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.


agreed on the languages. but dont tell the members of the said nations that they have the same language. they might take it personally.

and i thought the movie was pretty funny.


i did say that there are differences between the languages, altough minor ones. i did not say that the languages are the same, i just tryed to make clear that there is one more language (not only serbian and croatian, but bosnian too) and that this is the language spoken in the movie. if anyone found this personally insulting, i am sorry. to insult anyone was not my intention.

i am glad that you thought the movie was funny. i thought so too.

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.


Sva tri jezika su se trebala zvati jednim imenom Srpsko-Hrvatski. Kome je samo palo na pamet da pravi srpski, hrvatski, bosnjacki, crnogorski.... kad je to sve isto. Ako Austrijancima ne smeta da govore njemacki ili Amerikancima engleski ne znam sto bi bilo kome iz ex-Jugoslavije smetalo da govori srpskohrvatski. Kad nas gleda neko sa strane rekao bi da nam treba prevodioc.


Ja mislim da sa tim i takvim nikom ti si apsolutno diskvalifikovan iz ove diskusije. Pa stvarno, ko ce tebe ozbiljno shvatiti?


A zasto me neko ne bi ozbiljno shvatio?


Hmm...sta mislis?
Da li tvoj nik upucuje na to da si ti odrasla, objektivna osoba sa kojom se moze normalno diskutovati ili...nesto vise u stilu da si ultra-nacionalista sa primjesama sovinizma?

Bil ti ozbiljno shvati nekoga sa nikom "Mujahedin"? ili "Sahovnica"?


Zavisi od toga kako bi taj "Mujahedin" ili "Sahovnica" nastupao. Inace sta ima lose staviti za nick ime grada? Bili se bolje razumjeli da sam stavio New York, ili Beograd ili Islamabad???? Ime ne cini covjeka!


Ocito je tvoja definicija "grada" veoma siroka...


Ako nisi cuo/la za grad Srpsko Sarajevo informisi se bolje.


anyone who knows more about the languages correct me, but here i go

i believe the situation is like the one with english. with canadians, americans, brits, aussies all speaking english, but with different accetns, and minor changes.

thats why i believe there was a croation, a serbian, and a bosnian.

and when i say bosnian, i dont mean like bosnian muslims, but all bosnians(serbs included)

Imagine a man from croatia, a man from serbia, and a man from bosnia getting together and talkng,so it would be like an aussie, canadian, and brit getting together talking. the language is the same but the dialect is different.


You are right.
Officaly people in bosnia talk in Serbian, Bosnian, And Croat language.
But all of them speak same dialect.
Serb from Bosna speak diferent than Serbs form Serbia. Same is with Croats.
It is all Croato-Serbian; Serbo-Croatian.
Bosnian language does not exist in real life, just as a political creature.


You are right.
Officaly people in bosnia talk in Serbian, Bosnian, And Croat language.
But all of them speak same dialect.
Serb from Bosna speak diferent than Serbs form Serbia. Same is with Croats.
It is all Croato-Serbian; Serbo-Croatian.
Bosnian language does not exist in real life, just as a political creature.
They are just diferent dialects of same language!
map of dialects. When you compare with etnic map bellow yuo see apsurd of Bosnian language:

etnic map:


It's a "black comedy".


Well if you consider the UN forces a giant joke like they were in this film then yea, it is.


