wow, I am touched

I know that this is a fictional story, but I must say that this is really a very moving picture. I wasn't expecting a whole lot when I first poped it in, but... geeze it really kicks you where it hurts. I don't know if I'm the only one who thought this, but it seemed like an expanded version of Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune in "Hell in the Pacific"


Oh, yes, the characters and situation are fictional, but the film is a great metaphor of Bosnian War: the former friend and neighbours killing each others for unknown and stupid reasons, and the UN walking between without intervention and only concerning about Western Hemisphere's Bloc News.

Ciki is the Bosnian "army", Nino is the Serbian troops, and Cera is the abandoned Bosnian population condened to die by the war (the mine) and the World indifference. Two thumbs up for this great movie!
