favorite quote:

"wow, what a mess in rwanda!"


as someone who had survived this war, I just laughed so hard at this specific quote.

I also laughed when they refered the UN as the smurfs because that's what my little brother used to call them :)


yeah smurfs i also remember hearing my father saying to me that everything will be finde 'cause the smurfs are here :D


how the UNs were driving through the bosnian control point, asking if there are mines

"we didn't lay any"


"because I have gun and you don't"


all great lines... i also liked the one about the mine expert. "They are sending a German. He should be here at 3:30, its 3:30 now. Bang on the dot."


Get me a helicopter and a MAP OF BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA!!!!

(From someone who has seen the workings of the IC in Sarajevo.)


"A pessimist thinks things can't get any worse, an optimist knows it can!"


"what a mess in Rwanda!" for me too :)


Ode ja u Stab. Zovnite me ako bude bilo kakvih promjena.


"I can't do anything. He is already dead."


"God knows. Just answer yes, yes."

Truly hilarious!


Sgt. Marchand: Vous parlez francais?
Serb private: No.
Sgt. Marchand: Do you speak English?
Serb private: Yes.
Sgt. Marchand: We came for people.
Serb private: Yes.
Sgt. Marchand: People between lines.
Serb private: Yes, yes.
Sgt. Marchand: Where are they?
Serb private: Yes, yes, yes.
Sgt. Marchand: Ok, you don't understand a word of what I'm saying, right?
Serb private: Yes.

Serb private no. 2:(to Serb private) what does he say (in serb)
Serb private: i dont know, just say "Yes, Tes". (in serb)


"we didn't put any" soldier' response to UN guy when he asks if there are any mines.
"who started the war? who started the war?" the serb's and the croat soldier's fight over who started the war, the serb making the croat admit at gun point that it was the croat side who started the war:)). Funniest sad movie I've ever seen.


"who started the war? who started the war?" the serb's and the croat soldier's fight over who started the war, the serb making the croat admit at gun point that it was the croat side who started the war:)). Funniest sad movie I've ever seen.

And this above just became my favorite funny quote. Very Alicia Silverstone.
A short FYI... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Man%27s_Land_%282001_film%29


What's that about Alicia Silverstone? is it good or is it bad?
i'm not really familiar with what Alicia Silverstone is famous for. she's an actress no?


there is no croat soldier...one is Bosnian and other Serb(play by croat actor)


"because I have gun and you don't"


"A bomb disposal expert only makes one mistake in his life."
"The first one is choosing the *beep* job!"

or something like that.


in the beginning cera tells that bald guy when he moves his palm over his head-
"Hair in place?"

the reporter is like 1st *beep* french', then *beep* bosnian' and finally *beep* bastard' to the serb

how r u feeling?
great..never better..the whole worlds watching me and i want to take a *beep*

hey cera, he knows the 'girl' i was mentioning..!!
