Christensen and Depp

ARE MY FAVOURITE ACTORS and I can't wait to see both of them in this film! It will be amazing!!!!!!! I'm excited.

Anyone know possible release dates?


I actually think they might have decided not to do the movie. I've only heard rumors about the movie, but it sounded as if it might have been cancelled.


How could they just decide not to do it? It looks like it's set to be released sometime 2003. So they must've already shot it and everything. I can't imagine putting all that effort/money into a project and then just deciding not to go through w/ it.


I don't think it was filmed. I think the info for this movie was put on the IMDB some time ago and not updated since.


This movie has been up at IMDB since August of 2002 and nothing has happened with it. I do think it got shelved... But might get picked up sometime in the future

~~I do not fear death. It is what comes after death I fear.~~ I see freedom dance and hatred fly.~~


I LOVED Johnny in Pirates of the Caribbean, and I think he is a extremely good actor. (He's also pretty sexy!) I also loved Hayden Christensen in Star Wars and I can't wait to see him in another movie! Expecially a movie with Johnny Depp!!!!!!!!

Anyone know any other possible actors?



There is no release date because the movie got shut down soon after they started to film it. The movie will not be finished and its not ever come out, which kind of sucks, but whatever.



Nailed right in!! got cancelled!! Thats how it goes, many times actually....Hes doing Other Side of Simple instead!!


this movie got made and will be out in april


This movie was made. I've seen two screenings. It's brilliant. It was just recently bought by 1200 theaters and will be released in April. Suck on that, rumor mill!
