compared to book

Has anyone read the book AND seen this movie? I'm reading the book and just wondering if they are similar/different.. or if the movie strays from the plot at all.


i read the book a few months back and just finished the movie. it is very very loyal! nothing changed and nothing important left out.


I saw the film first and then read the book afterwards. I don't remember details, but the book was so much less involving than the adaptation. The film made me bawl my eyes out, the book not so much. I appreciate Hardy as a writer, but the book just didn't manage to captivate me, I don't know. For me personally, one instance where the film is better than the book.


Thus fell Lord Perth, and the earth did shake with that thunder.



Yes, I have read the book - it's one of my favorites by Hardy - and was delighted to discover this movie. It follows the text very closely. A series of bad decisions and bad luck haunt Mr. Henchard, to his ultimate end. His pride destroys him. The closing lines are so tragic and beautiful, I cry every time I watch it. I also cried while reading the book - but then, I can barely read Hardy without breaking down at least once-!

The cast is phenomenal, and the score is lovely. The only thing this movie needs is subtitles (my husband has poor hearing and would otherwise enjoy watching it with me).
