
Does Lexa like Brennan? I think she does,who agrees? Jesse likes Lexa too.


Not sure, but from what I saw in tonight's episode is that jesse seems to like her and shalimar seems to like brennan.

"Dead Man Walking"


I think Brennan just wants to be friends with Lexa. When she first came on it may have looked like more but I don't think there ever was going to be anything between them. It does look like Jesse is into Lexa. With Lexa its hard to tell who she likes because she refuses to connect with any of them for reasons from her past.

I guess only time will tell. I really don't think the writers will do much with relationships until the series finally which I at least another year off.


He could still bang her and don't tell shalimar.
And then jessy could bang shalimar and don't tell brendan.


bang?? ok then

You were just a shooting star..
