A directors cut?

Is there one? I just watched htis movie last night, finally, and i was reading the production notes and it has a whole bunch of stuff that isn't in the movie...unless REALLLY quick like in flashbacks. I would like to see it with the proper ending and other scenes in tact.... and why do they insist on cutting stuff for time when the movie is only and hour and a half anyway...retardedness


No direcor's cut is available, nor would one rectify the things you note are missing. The film's production had a number of problems (listen to the commentary track). The original screenplay is far more interesting than the film would lead you to believe. Alas, much was changed just before, during and after filming.


That sucks, I hate it when good scrips are cut down and ruined,(although I liked this movie, it did seem like alot was missing)does anyone have a link that I read the original script on?

Death Is The Road To awe...
