farts are funny

This movie should be in the top 100.

Everyone farts. You- who are reading this right now- you fart. Everyday. You might have just done one. You might be about to. You might as well enjoy it.

Yes farts can stink. Especially when emitted by a vegetarian or someone who's eaten a lot of garlic. But flatulence is part of a healthy digestive system. And a fart makes that noise for a reason- its a warning. People who sneak them out are just dishonest. When it is just that horrible smell it is a tragedy but if you're laughing at the sound the smell's not so bad. It is Nature's laughing gas. Some sound like tearing canvas. Some sound like squeezing the air out of pinched balloon. They are supposed to be heard.

If you can't laugh at a fart then you are obviously too immature to cope with your own bodily functions and accept them for what they are. Grow up, get over yourself and let one rip.


That's all well and good, but just because everyone farts and its sometimes funny does not mean its a clever idea to make an entire movie about it.

Humans have lots of natural bodily functions. But who wants to watch an entire film revolving around one in particular? I do not think that a movie about a boy with frequent urination problems or explosive diarrhea is a good premise to start with. Its not cause its gross-out or anything, that's done in parody movies. Its more because its banal.

Imagine this: "Washing: The Movie." And then a 50 minute film about people doing there laundry. The problem here is it makes one wonder how where the people who got this script and decided to use it. The scriptwriter is excused, but the producers etc. are generally a group of people. What where they thinking? If they ran this, what's to stop Washing: The Movie from becoming a reality?

I laugh at farts. But I don't make or watch movies about them


In my opinion, farting is actually one of the most embarrassing things ever to happen to me. It's just when I do it and think about it, it just gives me shivers down my spine.
