Not as bad as people say

Sorry if I seem like an *beep* for defending Larry clark's movies all of the time on here but c'mon, it wasn' that bad.
The cinematography was excellent, not all of the acting was totally *beep* I thought Andrew Mckeegan as the lead was okay and the main bad guy who's name I can't remember gave quite a funny, incredibly camp performance, definetly standout. Tiffany Limos sucked in this movie though, I don't care if she was just playing up (she said that she was laughing throughout filming in an interview I read) her line reading was just terrible.
It reminded me of like a saturday morning kids show with tits, drugs and swearing. I thought it was an okay bit of fun.




the cinematography was good...if you like the cinematography in Hercules, or Xena...I love Larry Clark...but this movie was one of the worst things ever made.


i thought it was just as good as any other teen horror movie that has come out in the last few years... i thought the gore were creativly and effectivly executed (the pulling off the head gag was flawless)
i think people get all raised up over this movie because larry clark directed it... and everyone seems to want to have a strong opinion about that guy.
