
This movie is like a Porn Movie. Thats what it should have been labeled.

Further Comments:EEEEEEwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww



I was watching this thing on some cable television show with my friends, and guess what was the thing that came right after this movie? Porn! This movie is crap! If you liked "Back Door Sluts 9" then you'll love teenage caveman.


Ick. Icky-ick. Teens having a threesome and then in the middle of an erotic moment, one of their guts bursts open while the other 2 laugh at it? Random. Disgusting. Pointless.... Like Porn...but less intelligent. What does this have to do with CAVEMEN?! Couldn't even watch the whole thing.


"Back Door Sluts 9" makes "Crotch Capers 3" look like "Naughty Nurses 2"!

"This is the worst kind of discrimination! The kind against me!"


There's a "Back Door Sluts 9"?!? Damn, I'm only up to 6. ;-)


that's great! lmao


OMG! This movie came on T.V. last nite and WTF?.....

wats up the film?....

I have so many questions...


If you had known who Larry Clark was then you wouldn't have been surprised. He's made a career out of making artsy sexploitation. This movie was the exeption. The artsy parts were not included, so all that was left was the explicit sex and violence. A movie not for the faint of heart, but I found it thoroughly enjoyable.


I watched this film solely because of the naked bodies.


after i watched the film i thought it was some twisted softcore porn film.
that girl gettin her self off to the other girl imploding, whats that about. if i had had anything to do with making this film i would have refused to put my name on the credits.


mee too
i buyed this film,because i saw"ken park",and i mean that i will see the samething,but what i can see is just "buts",i do my best effort to try see a just "penis" but i can not see .
its a pitty because larry clark can show the teenage enviroment very well,now i will see "bully",but i thing that i will be dispicious.
i dont thing that the film"ken park" is a porn movie,it is the essence of the enviroments that there is around the tennagers..
if aniboby can indicate others films with several nude full frontal male scene,
it will make me happy..


An episode of "Queer as Folk" . . . they never cheapen out on a good penis shot. ;o)


yes it was a like soft snuff film, if such thing exists
this is honestly the worst movie i have ever seen


I was up at 4 am and I turned on one of the HBO channels, which was playing this movie. I never heard of it, so I gave it a watch. I couldn't watch the whole thing; but I think I can safely say this might have been the worst acted/written/produced movie I have ever seen. And I've seen a lot of bad movies.


Whatever, this is quality cinema. I can't believe I never heard of this before I saw it on HBO recently. They should be playing the hell out of this gem on cable TV. Next time I see I definitely gotta tape.


This movie is cheesy, pointless gore, pointless sex, pointless nudity, sorry ass acting, but I have to admit, it was entertaining. It's a lousy movie, and you know it is crap when you watch it, but it is Entertaining so you keep on watching it until its over. Thats the best way I can explain this film. I started watching the end of this movie last night on HBO2E, I wanted to see the beginning of it to watch it all so I stayed up to 2:15am to watch it on HBO2W so it is entertaining even though it is utter crap. :)


What more can a film be but entertaining? Art pshaw! Even "Artsy" movies are still just entertainment. Think anyone would watch David Lynch if his movies weren't enjoyable? Thats why I would have to say that "Teenage Cavemen" is probably the best movie ever made. It has none of that unnecesary bullcrap that most "great" movies make us suffer through, just pure, unadulterated, entertainment. This is an example that, if followed, could just save the film industry


You may be on to something. Think about it lately box office numbers are low and the price of this films runs into the hundreds of millions. If one were to take a step back and spend alot less, and sacrifice quality to make a film entertaining, it might just save the movie industry. Well put my friend


Then you obviously didn't see New York Minute with the Olsen twins. This is a sexploitation farce and anyone of the many opinions that I have read showing much indignation must not be familiar with the genre. It is not supposed to be "good" or have redeeming value. It's supposed to fill a "non-porn" but close to porn - it's "soft core" porn - "need" in the middle of the night for mostly adolescent boys from 14 - 84.

All of you absolute twits who do not get that please rest assured that the violence and sex in this movie will reach fewer children and potential serial criminals than "Grand Theft Auto" which gives the 11 - 18 year olds who play it points for killing cops and raping innocent victims. That massively successful and technically brilliant piece of entertainment is meant for prime time and is easily accessable for everyone. It's very user friendly, too. I know a policeman who's kid plays that game and others like it. If there was a game on the market that gave points for killing rooftop administrators - I don't believe a copy would be in my child's computer game collection. I don't feel that same threat with Teenage Caveman.Key words: "Farce", "after midnight", Not to be "taken seriously".


soft snuff? stfu dude, no it doesn't exist because snuff implies somebody being actually killed.


O Fantasma might be what you are looking for.


Are you gay or just a sicko chick?


Anhish Cutain Jumper you make me sick


I watch porn sometimes (everyone oes at once) and I'm a die hard Larry clark fan and horror fan and I loved this film but that is my opion.
You guys seem not to like and thats okay butb owell.



Well hey at least the were attractive


Cringe_Factor thats


It's nothing like the original! It's just an erotic porno remake! Has anyone seen Bully which is another teen/porno/sexpoloitation movie?


I've seen Bully and it is NOT a (quote) teen/porno/sexploitation movie


I think Bully was more erotic and sexy than Teenage Caveman. I don't think Teenage Caveman was pornographic just erotic. Bully was quasi or semi-pornographic.


Get off the subject of slagging porn. Porn is for one reason. Movies are for another. (although sometimes you can jerk off to a movie)!!!

I have not seen this movie but as soon as i get a copy i am watchin this. i am so excited about the prospect of watching this movie.


You're right, it should. I thought it was a porn movie until I found it here on IMDB as rated R. That's pretty much all it was.


ah who gives, this movie still sucks.


First off, I'm not an advocate of porn. But there was an interview with a pornstar name Katie Morgan on HBO not too long ago, where she briefly discussed the difference between a mainstream movie and a porn movie. The difference between the two is very noticeable. A main stream has more dialogue, a character arch, each character wants different things, characters are developed throughout plot and any sex scenes are merely incidental. A porn movie has less dialogue, more sex scenes, no character archs, all the characters don't have archs and they want the same thing: sex.

This question has been brought up many of times with other films. For example: Basic Instinct. The film probably the closest to real sex scenes that could borderline onto softcore porn, but it is a mainstream film due to the fact that the sex scenes are only incidental. They are not the main focus of the film.

"Teenage Caveman," like other Larry Clark's work, is just a typical mainstream film. From what I know, "Kids" and "Bully" has several sex scenes in that (and I've even heard how some could compare the story of "Teenage Caveman" to that of "Kids", because both, in a way, deal about sexually transmited dieases. In "Kids", it's HIV. In "Teenage Caveman", it's immortality).

So, is it porn? IMHO, no. Does it fall into mainstream film? IMHO, yes. But, of course, this is a straight-to-cable film made exclusively for Cinemax's Creature Features. So, to answer your question: No, this is not a porno and there is no need to label it as such. If anything, this is only a hard R-Rated film.

But this one's eatting my popcorn!


Hey, This movie can't be as bad as Flesh Gordon? Is it? lol

I've seen all of Larry Clark's films except this one. I may give it a watch.


Were they really having sex though?


Jesus what did I start?? People got so angry over this! Oh well, regardless, years later I still havent watched it. Shizzhouse movie. Thankyou all for your opinion!
