There's A Sequel

Yeah, being made right now. I was happy until I saw who was directing it: David DeCoteau. Now he has an excuse for filling his film with half naked guys....


Well thats good news that a 2nd is in the works anyways. I thought the first one was pretty good and im looking forward to the sequel.



Is it really necessary for David DeCoteau to do any movie sequels? I liked when he did Creepozoids, but his last slew of movies have been total garbage. It's not so much that they are full of unnecessary male nudity or homo-erotic moments but that's ALL his films are. They aren't even decent slasher movies.


I think the guy who did the first pool (names too long for me to spell) should make the sequel. He did a good job. This was an awesome movie I wonder why it got such a low vote by people? This and Flashback are very good german films that are unnecsisarily underrated.


i *beep* hate david decoteau, he is sooooooooooooooooo bad, he is the worst ever, no david no.


What's the point in making a sequal? The guy died in the first one maybe they should just have the same thing happen to different people but what's the point?


I think the point has $ in front of it


There is an Italian sequel, but I hear it's not very good, that it's just a movie that was already made, but they added a few new clips and slapped the title The Pool 2 on it.

It doesn't need the original killer... it could very well follow the lives of the people that survived (there were five). They could put the survivors of the original together in a setting with new friends, a continuation of their lives when all of a sudden... (dun dun dun)... there's a murderer run amock, and they're in the middle of it again.

Anyway, I think that if a script writer should take a "stab" at it while keeping the same international feel of the original, it would be great.


refer to this thread:

--Daniel W. Kelly, author, "Closet Monsters: Zombied Out and Tales of Gothrotica"
