MovieChat Forums > Stranded (2002) Discussion > Sucktastic script and ADR

Sucktastic script and ADR

So, the script was apparently written by a team of poorly trained monkeys, and the ADR is so bad I really thought I was having trouble with my cable for a few minutes. The casting is the only place this movie (I can't bring myself to call it a film) has anything going for it. Maria de Medeiros and Joaquim de Almeida are great actors, but even they couldn't save this piece of...this movie sucks.


I don't look for perfection in every film I see at no cost on TV in the comfort of my own home.

I have seen worse films with a cast I was much more familiar with.

Nicely filmed with attractive Martian scenary. Almeida was a great bad guy as a drug dealer but his looks do not lend themselves to a space costume, that nose is not built for a helmet.
