MovieChat Forums > Manfast (2003) Discussion > This movie is not bad!

This movie is not bad!

Either I have an endangered sense of what makes a good movie, or cute romantic comedies are on the verge of being extinct.

Cause I don't think this film is bad at all. I thought it was fun- and funny too.

Besides, just because HOSTEL 2 is a horror and will surely make a lot of money, does that really mean it is GOOD?

No way.

Is this film ever coming out in the USA? Or is it just not "good" enough? "Good" meaning of course it is not a horror and did not bring in millions at the box office!



you have lost all ability to sense what is a good movie. you fail at life.


Oh boy, let me guess, you're a guy who rented or bought this DVD thinking that that travesty of a cover art was going to give you a night of hot chix, tits and ass????

Or you actually loved HOSTEL 2 ???


5 bucks they never even saw Manfast and just wanted to try out their newly installed Troll button.

Annoying, isnt that the 8th deadly sin?


I agree!!! I wish I could take a hammer to the troll buttons out there.

This film is definitely more than at first meets the eye!



I got the DVD uncut in a set I bought at Fields. Came with seven other movies including MY NAME IS BRUCE and AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL. Only cost me $7 plus GST.

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