Odd Ring Similarities

This is completely random, but I noticed several odd similarities with The Ring (The US version), a totally different movie that has almost nothing in common with this movie, except for...
-Both take place in Seattle
-Both have hot blonde reporters as their main characters
-Both involve the idea of having seven days left to live
-Both have similar-looking male supporting characters who are cameramen and ex-husbands of the main characters



Did you see the end of the movie?! They are obviously in love and are dating...Safeco Field...BALLGAME....Her reporting for KQMO...The answering maching with all three names on the outgoing message....any of this ringin a bell sweetie dahling?!? *grins*



that's at the END of the movie. just the end.


It's also similiar to a 1991 religious movie called "The Appointment". Dave Christiano should sue their asses.

Then again, I liked this movie.


actualy the actual name of the KQMO station is KOMO 4 news......s0o0o0o yeah...i just hadta say that


In response to one of the above posts, you were right, Lanie and Pete WERE married at the end of the movie. But that's at the end. What was said before was that they weren't married or dating before, Pete was not lanie's ex-husband.


That part of the movie so weirded me out. Having Steve Pool and Kathie Goertzen and stuff as reporters in a movie when they're reporters IRL... LoL The KQMO thing confused me when I first saw it because I was so used to KOMO
